Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bring back 2007!!

Well, i planned on doing my goals for 2008 today, but seeing as i've started 2008 stuck $200, i REALLY don't feel like writting naything positive...feeling the way i feel today, it would be an absolute joke for me to write about winning anything this year, let alone what i really want to win...that being said, i'll do it tomorrow , or by the end of the week...

Lost $80 today playing omaha8, which is the 3rd day in a row ive lost at that game (other two days were like only 10 bucks each)...not sure what the problem is...may mix in a nl hold em cash game tomorrow to change things up

Got CRUSHED in sng's today...2 hands sum up the day...(stop reading now if you don't want to hear a bad beat story)...early in a sng, utg+1 makes it 90....i have AA so i make a big re raise to 410...he calls...board comes Q82 all clubs....i have the ace of clubs, so its not horrible...he chekcs, i bet 799...he smooth calls leaving only like 150 chips...turn comes a J, he pushes all in...i call...this piece of &%$&*&% **@$ flips over 910 of *&%$**@ HEARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! River misses, gg murph....he bascially called off his stack with a gutshot...and 3 clubs on board, when he didnt have a club...next hand....4 ppl left...2 pretty short stacks, me and other guy have like 5500 each...he's been rasing a ton on his button (i'm in the bb)...so he makes it his usual 5x bb...i have ak in the blind, so i push all in kwoning he will fold with the 2 crippled stacks ready to bust...WRONG...he INSTA...and i mean INSTA calls with J10 sooted...flush on river...gg murph...then the short stacks who managed to cash starting sayign how dumb I WAS!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?! huh???????????????? Sometimes i hate poker.


ps i'm flying home tomorrow until sunday, so i won't be getting much poker in for the rest of the week...but i will still be grinding a night or 2 late i'm sure...gonna play some live poker too back home, so i'll keep ya posted

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