Thursday, January 10, 2008

Have i ever mentioned how much i hate poker?

Today was one of the worst days i've had in poker in quite a while...currently stuck about $275...Played in about 475 multi tables...cashed in none of them...and i busted out of 3 of them the same way me having JJ twice vs AJ all in pre flop, and me having QQ vs AQ all in pre...i really can't remember me ever running so bad...and the worst part is....i think i'm mind fucking myself...the second the hands are turned over (and i'm in front which i usually am) the VERY FIRST THING that comes into my head, is the cards that can beat me...its been bad!

Anyway, thats it for now...i really should take a break or soemthing for a couple of days, just to get my mind right becuz it is so frusterating getting it in good 90% of the time, but only winning it 30% of the time


ps...i hate complaining how bad i run, but really, this is as bad as its ever been for me in my short time playing poker, so let me vent!

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