Friday, January 25, 2008

In for a quick rant

So i played my 1st ever $50 sng went really well...Lost AA vs KQ all in pre flop for about 3/4 of the chips with 5 left...i girnd my way back...only to lose my A8 to A4 all in pre flop...then i once again grind my way back, and go bust when my A8 loses to K10 all in pre flop and i bust in 4th....i'm still swick about this one!

I'm getting absolutely WHORED today in sng's today...just busted out of a $30 with my AK vs Aq all in pre flop with 4 ppl left....and in another 1, with 4 left...utgraises, i have KK on button, i re raise, he calls flop comes 357 rainbow...he pushes all in a big overbet...i call...he turns over 46 murph

Its been a baaaaaaad day


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