Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm silly

One final post before bed...THIS DONKEY BEAT ME HEADS UP!!!! I mean look at that graph!!! Is that not the ugliest thing you've ever seen??? At what point do you just say hey, maybe sng's aren't my thing??? If you can believe it, he has a huge fishbowl next to his name when you sharkscope him...i'd give you his name, but this guy is my fish, and i will be searching him EVERY SINGLE TIME i sit down to play
Anyway, ended up staging a late night come back and was stuck about $120 for the day....although, i didn't come in 1st in either of the 2 sngs i just finished which i should A8 was no match for J9 though. Have another big day planned for tomorrow, so may the fish be with me!

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