Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Ended up stuck about 50 on fulltilt and about even on stars today...blah.

Onto the reason for this blog, rebuys. I generally play in about 3 or 4 rebuys a week, mainly the $3 and $5 rebuys on stars and i've made an observation. The first hour of the touny means NOTHING!!! I know this logic has to be wrong becuz so many of the pros go off in the rebuy period and build huge stacks, but i swear, i've probably cashed more times after the rebuy period with a low stack like 4 or 5k then when i end the rebuy period with a 20k stack. Can this be possible or has this just happened by chance?? I have to be wrong on this, but once again a few nights ago, built a huge stack in the first hour, only to be busted about an hour later. Some feedback here would be nice, becuase i'm almost at the point where i find it pointless to gamble in the 1st hour, when in the end, it really doesn't matter how many chips i have after the 1st hour...


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