Tuesday, October 9, 2007

1 more day

Well, i'm officially an idiot! Didn't play too much this afternoon, played 2 sng's, won a $20 and came in 2nd in a $10. I think i may need more sleep though. So i was wondering why there were no .25-.50 or .50-1 omaha8 games on fulltilt...usually there are at least 2 of each. Finally there is a full ring game going, so i jump right in...it took me 15 hands to realize that i wasn't sitting at an omaha hi lo table...it was just straight omaha!!!!!!!! I can't believe i actually sat there for 15 hands before realizing it too lol. The hand that did it for me was it was limped 6 way...checked all the way till the end, and i won the pot rivering a set, but since there was a flush out there AND a low (final board read KQ832), i checked it down. I was in a state of utter disbelief that 6 people saw that flop, and not one of us made low ( i think this may be mathematically impossible), only then did i realize i wasn't playing omaha hi lo...so with my tail between my legs, i left the table down a couple bucks (could've been a whole lot worse if i started jamming the pot with the nut low lol). I figure at this point, it was probably a good idea to call it a day.

Well the g/f is flying into town tomorrow, so needless to say i won't be playing any poker for the next few days which really sucks ( i can say that because she refuses to read my blog, so thankfully this will never get back to her, but sunday can't come fast enough so i can get back to the grind LOL). I'll try to find some time to make a post or two, maybe about my AC trip last month or a big score i had right a few weeks ago...i may have made the most scared lay down ever at the final table, i'll let you decide.


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