Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Back to work

What's up y'all?? Finally back to playing some poker after taking the weekend off. I'm gonna keep this short because i'm dead tired.

Not too much has happened in the past 2 days poker wise. i'm up around 120 on fulltilt from some decent tourny wins, and some .50-1 omaha8. Pokerstars is going pretty decent too. I'm up about 200 bascially from sng's and a lot of cash game play! I really hope i can make it out to AC in a few weeks because i feel about as good about my cash game play as i have in a long time!!

On the negative side of things, going into today i had a step 4 and step 3, i have 2 F-ing step 2's!!! and i'm VERY pissed about it! The steps have become very frusterating and i have put a lot more money into them then i initially planned on. That being said, i'm still gonna go at them pretty hard, but i need to make a nice run.

Ok, lastly, if i have to see Papplebon do the riverdance one more time, the boston redsox may move to the top of the list for sports teams i hate the most.


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