Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Ended up stuck about 50 on fulltilt and about even on stars today...blah.

Onto the reason for this blog, rebuys. I generally play in about 3 or 4 rebuys a week, mainly the $3 and $5 rebuys on stars and i've made an observation. The first hour of the touny means NOTHING!!! I know this logic has to be wrong becuz so many of the pros go off in the rebuy period and build huge stacks, but i swear, i've probably cashed more times after the rebuy period with a low stack like 4 or 5k then when i end the rebuy period with a 20k stack. Can this be possible or has this just happened by chance?? I have to be wrong on this, but once again a few nights ago, built a huge stack in the first hour, only to be busted about an hour later. Some feedback here would be nice, becuase i'm almost at the point where i find it pointless to gamble in the 1st hour, when in the end, it really doesn't matter how many chips i have after the 1st hour...


Back to work

What's up y'all?? Finally back to playing some poker after taking the weekend off. I'm gonna keep this short because i'm dead tired.

Not too much has happened in the past 2 days poker wise. i'm up around 120 on fulltilt from some decent tourny wins, and some .50-1 omaha8. Pokerstars is going pretty decent too. I'm up about 200 bascially from sng's and a lot of cash game play! I really hope i can make it out to AC in a few weeks because i feel about as good about my cash game play as i have in a long time!!

On the negative side of things, going into today i had a step 4 and step 3, i have 2 F-ing step 2's!!! and i'm VERY pissed about it! The steps have become very frusterating and i have put a lot more money into them then i initially planned on. That being said, i'm still gonna go at them pretty hard, but i need to make a nice run.

Ok, lastly, if i have to see Papplebon do the riverdance one more time, the boston redsox may move to the top of the list for sports teams i hate the most.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Non poker blog

This will be the last day of the blog until at least monday :( i'm going to visit the g/f tomorrow morning and i fly home monday so that means no poker this weekend, which totally blows since i've been running well lately. It's ok though, i can't complain, because if she was living here, i'd only be able to play about a third of the poker that i play, so one weekend a month isn't that bad.

Played 2 $20 dollar sng's today, came in 1st in one and busted in 4th in the other when my AA ran into the monster A10 all in preflop. Went back to playing some omaha8 on fulltilt and lost 35 145 hands, i won 2 at the river lol I literally caught nothing all day.

Sometimes i feel like i'm braindead. There were about 3 or 4 things i thought about today that i really wanted to blog about, and now, i can't think of even one of them!! Oh well, if i think of them in the next 30 minutes, i'll post another blog, if not, see ya next week!


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Step 4 baby!

Final tabled a horse tourny lastnight, came in my usual 8th place though :( I accidently folded the nuts for a big pot with 11 ppl left!! I don't know what came over me because i already had "raise any" clicked, and i guess i became possessed or something and just clicked fold...this retarded move bascially crippled me and i was lucky to get 8th...oh well, live and learn!

Won a step 4 ticket to the PCA worth 210 bucks today!! 2 more steps to go, and Bahama's here i come!!! I really feel like i have a chance to win this! Not sure when i'm gonna play it though, maybe tomorrow, but i'll probably just try to accumulate some more step 2's and 3's until i have 2 step 4's.

Didn't play very much today, lost like 30 in cash games but won 2 $20 sit n go's after getting shut out of like 4 of them the night before, so i've got my bankroll basically where it was right after winning the 2k.

Ok, watching the redsox, rockies right now, and flipping on survivor on commercials. I just can't stop laughing everytime they show Jean Robert Balland...i actually saw this guy playing online poker in the lounge at the Borgata about 6 months ago. I think that is when u have officially reached degenerate status if you're in a casino playing online poker. Thankfully i haven't done this yet..."yet "being the key word in that sentence HAHAHA. Speaking of AC, i'm gonna try to make it out there the last week of Novemeber, but it depends on my schedule, i'll keep u posted!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

2nd place is no place you're off the team!

I had a really good feeling going into tonights poker session, and i guess you could call me Nostradomus (or however u spell his name lol). Had my biggest online score ever today with a 2nd place finish in the $10 1 re buy and 1 add on for a smooth $1908!!!!!! Back in the good ol days of sunpoker, i had 2 wins for approx. $1200 each, but this eclipses that by quite a bit! I just played some SICK poker the enitre tournament!! I really felt like i was in the zone for a good 6 hours straight!! Everytime i re raised, i would take it down....literally, evertime!! It was just one of those days where i could just feel the weakness everytime someone raised it pre flop. Without a doubt, it was my re rasising that vaulted me to the huge chip lead i had with about 6 tables left. I pretty much cruised to the final table and when we finally got down to the final table, i was in 6th and still feeling good!

Final table:
after about 2 orbits...i was in 9th and feeling ILL!!!! I COULD NOT catch a hand, or see a flop!! Everytime i picked up a decent hand (q10, kj) i would get re-popped and have to muck. I was already envisioning myself busting in 9th for 220 bucks...i think i would've tossed the laptop into the street if i actually would've busted in 9th. So at this point i'm feeling very off my game. Scared to raise, scared to bust in 9th, defiantely not the mind set u want to be in. Finally somebody busts out and i can breath a little easier, although at this point i'm still very nervous for some reason. Long story short, i basically hang around on the short stack until we're 4 handed and this is where something in me changed. 4th was getting around 900 and i said to myself, F playing scared, even if i bust now, its still a great pay day and eventhough i was severely short ( i had like 150k, one guy had over a million, and the other 2 had around 600k) i told myself lets play some sick ninja shortstack poker and win this. Well, we literally played 4 handed for almost 45 mintues. Back and forth the whole way. At one point i had around 700k and was sitting in a comfortable 2nd place....but then i was back down to 150k. (this may have been the best i've ever played short handed in my hang around for 45 mintues being very short was remarkable becuase it's not like i was doubling up a lot, i think the entire time, i may have had 2 all ins...other then that, never had to show down). So eventually 2 guys get it all in, the big stack wins, and we're down to 3 handed. Again, chip leader has like 1.2million, 2nd has 600k and i have around 450k. It didn't take long for the big stack to bust the other guy nad next thing i know, i'm heads up!!!!!!! He's got about a 4 to1 lead on me though (1.7 mill vs 370k). Blinds were ENORMOUS at this point mainly due to the 45 minute 4 handed play, and i ran into KK and came in 2nd!

Anyway, that's basically it! For a good 2 or 3 months now i've been really feeling overdue for a big score and finally the cards fell my way! I'm on cloud 9 right now and it feels good! Eventhough i just won 2k, i'm not gonna jump into any crazy games. I'll probably still play the games i usually play $20 sng's, .5-1 cash games and anywhere from 10-25 multi tables. At least that is the plan now, we'll see if i can stick to it, but i've always managed my bankroll very conservatively, so i'm not worried. Ok, thats all for now, i'm gonna try to goto sleep, but i have a feeling i may lay awake in bed thinking about that 1st place prize of 3.3k that i was so close to.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Feel the sweat!!!

Curently sitting in 1st with 150k and second has 100k wtih 39 ppl. left in the $10 one rebuy one add on!!!!!!! $3300 for first baby!!! i'll keep you posted!!

Another day another dollar

Didn't play too much yesterday, played 3 sng's, came in 3rd twice (sometimes i have to realize top pair isn't always good lol) and won about 50 bucks playing cash games. Took some bad beats, delivered some bad beats, yada yada yada, so goes the grind of poker.

I've got the night off tonight, so i'm looking for a big score at some point today. I think i'm gonna play in a couple of bigger buy in multi tables then i usually do, so between that, and the 10 hours+ i plan on playing today, i'm looking for big things!

Didn't anyone see the absolute poker scam that recently was outed?? If you aren't familar with it, someone apparently cracked the system, and was able to see his opponets hole cards while playing!!!!!!!!! Yes, you read that right!!! This guy could see EVERYONE'S holecards. Needless to say he just CLEANED UP in some big tournaments. Eventually, people caught on to it (i think it took about a week) and absolute poker did an investigation into it, and sure enough, it was an inside job...someone working for abosolute poker!! (i may be getting a few minor facts incorrect here, so don't take my word as the law, but its damn near close to it lol). But yeah, opinons were very mixed in the poker community where some people just chalked this users luck up to variance, while others thought it was just impossible and someone had to be cheating. I actually just got done watching the video of one the tournaments he played ontube. (just type in absolute poker and it will come up, its a 4 part series with each part being about 8 minutes) and it is just HILARIOUS!!!! I'm not sure how the footage got posted online but you should do yourself a favor and watch it. I literally was laughing out loud at some of these plays he was making. I mean, you have to question things when this guy saw like %85 of the flops, and not ONCE made a bad call on the river!!! NOT A SINGLE TIME!!!!! Everytime he got to the river, he either folded, or raised....he didn't even call (why would he call if he knew he was beat, or if he knew he had the best had). I'm telling you, even if you don't watch the whole thing, just watch a few mintues of it. You will literally just sit there and shake your head!!

Anyway, for all the people saying i told you internet poker was rigged and thats why they won't a clue! For 99.9% of the ppl. that play, we all play lower level games. Now if someone did have to capabilities to crack the system, do you really think they are going to play 1-2 nl???? or even 25-50 nl??? NO!!!! They are going to sit and the highest limit games that are be being offered, and just clean up. So, there is NOTHING to worry about!! Anyway, getting ready to make some dinner, and start my night with the $5 rebuy on stars!


Sunday, October 21, 2007

The horror of the bubble

I was told by one of my readers (1 of the 2....if that lol) that this is starting to turn into a bad beat blog. I disagree somewhat, but givingthe readers what they want, i will try to avoid the topic of bad beats...starting tomorrow HAHAHA

So i came in 10th today (hence the subject of this post) and OF COURSE, was sucked out on to bust me!! I was in 6th with 10 left, 1 away from the final table and the blue lights when i picked up 1010 on the button. I had about 8bb at this point. One limper in front of me (chip leader), so i decide not to mess around and just push my 10's, not really wanting a call....he times out, and calls with 77...sweet right??? i'll be in 3rd when i win this....WRONG!!!! Flop came 357 followed by 2 rags and i was gone!!! I threw up all over my laptop!! The worst part of all was that we had been playing 10 handed for a while and there were 3 guys with 3bb or less just trying to hang on to get to the final table, so really, i would've amost been guaranteed something like at least 7th ($190) just by having those short stacks bust once we got to the final table. I'm still sick about this and it happened over an hour ago. I was staring at that $1500 for 1st and i was feeling great, but i guess it wasn't meant to be. That's the thing about poker, all you can do is get your money in with the best of it (80-20) is about as good as it gets...after that, it's out of your hands! At times this can work out in your benefit....but at didn't!

I will say this about this very aggressive nature sure paid off for me because since i had been raising a lot the whole time, and getting re popped a fair amount of times too, i had a nuts image, and there were at least 3 times where i had AA, QQ and QQ and was re raised all in by less then steller cards, and my hand held each time. Having a crazy image can be brutal when you are continually getting re raised and you have to fold, but wait long enough, and you'll get em!

Lost all my PCA tickets today lol. 3 2nd step and 1 3rd...oh well. Sng's went really bad today, so hopefully tomorrow is a new day!

On a roll playing cash games on stars. Won another $125 playing .50-1 nl. Again, my nuts image did it for me. I was caught making a really big bluff on the river with NOTHING, when the poker Gods shined down on me and 2 hands later i pick up AA and i got a guy to put it all in pre flop with 1010...tyty.

Ok, also from the suggestion box, i'm gonna make at least one paragraph non poker related. Why the hell did kevin millar throw out the opening pitch for game 7?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? I thought they were joking when they announced him, but nope, sure enough, it was him! He then proceeded to call jacoby ellsbury, jacob, and he called Dice K something that was NOT his name...very smooth Kevin...go have another Milwaukee's best


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Take the good with the bad

Well, my 2 main sites i use are going in opposite directions. While my pokerstars account keeps going up, my fulltilt account keeps shrinking. Didn't play too much today, but came in 2nd in a 45 man sng on stars for $100 ( i lost heads up to a guy whos sharkscope was comical!! He had like a -45 ROI, and was currently on "super tilt", i got it all in pre flop twice with the best of it, both times was sucked out on, and just couldn't recover). Also won like $120 playing cash games. Bascially won it all on one hand. UTG made it 3, i had QQ in middle position, i just called, and the button re raised to 5 (i won't even start on how bad of a play this is). Flop comes QJ9, but all hearts. UTG checks, i check, button bets pot (i'm no longer worried about him having AK of hearts seeing he bet so much), so utg folds, and i make it 75, button goes all in, of course i call, he has AA, but with the A of hearts, somehow it holds, and i took down a monster pot. It's nice when the bets hand actually holds! Fulltilt on the other hand....was stuck like 50 playing cash games...if it weren't for the iron man system that i'm trying to qualify for, i would literally take a week off of fulltilt, but i only have to earn 100 points 3 more times this month, so i should probably stick it out.

Off topic but i think its just hilarious at the gym when u see a guy in his 50's, who in his prime, was probably in pretty good shape, if not a tank, but now, he's just fat, sloppy, and in terrible shape, BUT he walks around the gym like he's Arnold at the peak of his bodybuilding days lol There is this one old guy who i see at least once a week who fits this description to a tee!! I swear if you look at him the wrong way, he'll probably try to fight you. He wears a tanktop which he looks AWFUL in, puts WAY too much weight on the benchpress just to pump out 2 cheat reps, while screaming, and he has his socks pulled up to his knees (with shorts), like he's getting ready to go play baseball. Anyway, i think there is a guy like this at every gym and it's just sad!

Ok, got the Michigan/Illinois game and the baseball game on now...a great tv night!


Friday, October 19, 2007

The suckout king

The title actually refers to myself. King may be a bit extreme, but it does seem like i've been sucking out quite a bit lately. Its really only been happening in sng's, and they haven't been huge suckouts, but i swear my K 10 has taken down AJ all in pre flop a lot it seems. All this sucking out generally leads to winning...which it has (thankfully). My multi table game has gone to the shits these past few weeks, which is kind of a let down. Once again, played about 8 of them lastnight, and had 1 minimum cash, and another small cash in a horse tourny...that's it. I just don't think the cards are falling my way. I wish i could take at least some of the luck from the sng's, and use it up in my mt game, but oh well, i'm sure things will turn around soon...i hope.

So i've been playing strictly NL hold em cash games the past few days, and have done pretty well. There is one specific player (i wrote about him last blog) "FOURPOS" who has made it especially profitable. I'm telling you, if you ever see this donkey (he usually plays late at night, like 2 or 3am, and he plays .50-1nl hold em), you NEED to sit with him. I've seen a lot of donkeys in my time, but this dude may take the cake. I think he has 2 buttons on his computer, min bet, and call...thats it!!! No fold button, no raise button...nothing, just min bet, and call. Lastnight was pretty interesting. I told myself at 330, i was gonna quit, i was stuck about 20 bucks at this time, and right when i already clicked "sit out next hand", i won a $210 pot!!! My very last hand of then night! Had top 2 on the turn, and got 2 DONKEYS to put all their money in on a straight draw, and a flush draw....somehow the river blanked, and i took down the monster, then pulled the good ol hit n run lol. I felt bad doing it, but hey, it was now 331...nice timing!

PCA is going ok, i've got 3 step 2 tickets, and 1 step 3...haven't really invested much money at all either...mainly pokerstar points. I think tomorrow i'll play the step 3 and roll the dice...go me!!


ps watching the step 6 of the pca right now...intervention just busted in close, yet, so far! Havad Khan is the short stack with 4 left...what a bubble this is!!

pps He just busted!!! lol literally as i was typing that last sentence! Man that kid is annoying. BBBBBUUUUULLLLDDDDOOOOZZZZEEEERRRRR lol

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Not a good day

Well, if you would've asked me 15 minutes ago how my day went, i would've told you it was kind of a "blah" day....stuck a little bit, but nothing too bad, BUT, if u ask me now, i would say it was a bad day. Just lost a $200 pot in omaha8 because i was being stubborn. Flop comes 663, i'm holding pocket 3' this is a VERY vulnerable fullhouse in omaha8, sure enough, like i said, i was stubborn, and i was hoping the other guy either had a dry 6, or was drawing with A2, but nope, he held 63...i was drawing dead. I really am going to switch back to hold em for a few days because i am NOT running well in omaha8. Do you know i played like 190 hands, and only ONCE won a pot on the river!! Not even a few half pots....just one small scoop. Everytime i ever had something, i got no action, pretty sick!

So after the boat over boat debacle, i sat down at a .50-1 stars nl hold em game. (it had to be stars becuz i IMMEDIATELY shut down fulltilt following that hand). This is a classic, and one of the reasons i've been avoiding hold em. VERY 1ST HAND i pick up QQ, make it 3.5 bucks, get called by sb. Flop comes A45, he checks, i bet 5.5, he calls, turn is a 2, it goes check, check, river is my Q!!!! So the final board heads A245Q, he pushes all in for like 20 bucks, and i probably would've folded if it weren't for the Q on the river, so i pretty much had to call...he flips over k3 off for the straight LOL, stuck a quick 50!!! I mean where do i even start on this hand...this guys sweet call wtih k3off...or the fact that pokerstars just WHORES me and gives me a set of Queens on the river just to make sure i can't get away from my hand! Sometimes poker really sucks!

Played a bunch of tournies cash in the $3 rebuy, other then that....zippy!! I do actually give myself credit for this hand though, eventhough it busted me from the tourny. We're down to 224 ppl. 216 cash and i've been crushing my table. I have like 20k, and another guy has about the same, we're both top 20 at this point. I raised with Q9 (i had been raising a ton at this weak table) other big stack called, flop comes QQ10, i check, he bets pot, i call, turn is a 6, i check, he goes all in (it was a little more then the pot). I really didn't put him on a queen here, i thought he had kk or jj or something like that, and just wanted me out of this hand, so i could've folded and still had a decent stack, and cashed, but i called and the pot was for the chip lead in the tourny...he had murph! But like i said, i'm glad a didn't do the scared thing and fold just because we were right on the bubble and i could've coasted in...although now i wish i had just mucked! lol

Oh well, tomorrow is another big poker day, so we'll see how it goes!


p.s. just stacked that k3 donkey twice and now i'm up 40 bucks in the game. Donkeys....ya gotta love em!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Well, i'm cutting right to it. For the second day in a row, i have written a decent sized post, and both times, right when i hit submit, it says "error", so i hit back...GONE!!!!! So this is gonna be VERY short since i'm ready to toss this laptop into the street!!

G/F flew home sunday....perfect timing seeing as i was having some serious poker withdrawl!!! You know the signs, the shakes, coldsweats just thinking about check raising someone when u have a monster, breaking out into the hives, etc...LOL....just joking...kind of HAHAHA (again, thankfully she doesn't read this or i may have some explaining to do).

Posted 2 small losing days sunday and monday, but came back i with a decent win today in both sng's and cash games.

Bahama's here i come!!!! Pokerstars introduced steps to win a ticket to the PCA...seeing as how sng's are my specialty, i like my chances to possibly win a ticket...i've already played a bunch of step ones (complete and utter donkiness), made a bunch of step 2's...but seem to have run dry everytime i get to step 2...oh well, i'm really gonna concentrate on winning a ticket this way.

Ok, i'm done, sometimes i hate technology!!


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

1 more day

Well, i'm officially an idiot! Didn't play too much this afternoon, played 2 sng's, won a $20 and came in 2nd in a $10. I think i may need more sleep though. So i was wondering why there were no .25-.50 or .50-1 omaha8 games on fulltilt...usually there are at least 2 of each. Finally there is a full ring game going, so i jump right took me 15 hands to realize that i wasn't sitting at an omaha hi lo was just straight omaha!!!!!!!! I can't believe i actually sat there for 15 hands before realizing it too lol. The hand that did it for me was it was limped 6 way...checked all the way till the end, and i won the pot rivering a set, but since there was a flush out there AND a low (final board read KQ832), i checked it down. I was in a state of utter disbelief that 6 people saw that flop, and not one of us made low ( i think this may be mathematically impossible), only then did i realize i wasn't playing omaha hi with my tail between my legs, i left the table down a couple bucks (could've been a whole lot worse if i started jamming the pot with the nut low lol). I figure at this point, it was probably a good idea to call it a day.

Well the g/f is flying into town tomorrow, so needless to say i won't be playing any poker for the next few days which really sucks ( i can say that because she refuses to read my blog, so thankfully this will never get back to her, but sunday can't come fast enough so i can get back to the grind LOL). I'll try to find some time to make a post or two, maybe about my AC trip last month or a big score i had right a few weeks ago...i may have made the most scared lay down ever at the final table, i'll let you decide.


There is a first for everything

Gonna try to keep it short because i'm really tired, but i think i saw a first today. I've played MANY hands of poker and can honestly say i've never seen this one. Courtesy of bodog, here's the hand in a nutshell. Limped to the button, he had 1010, i'm in sb with 99, bb has 66, we all see the flop.....10 9 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are the odds of this!!! We all spiked out set, game over for 2 of us. Another VERY dirty hand i wasn't involved in, all in pre flop KK vs JJ...flop comes 10JQ giving JJ the lead, turn is a 9 giving kk the straight, river....the 4th jack! Quads take it down! Just a very sick hand!

Went pseudo deep in a $10 rebuy, (well, the one rebuy, one add on)...down to the final 3 tables, i'm in about 22nd at this point, i pick up AK, one limper, i've got about 12bb's, so i just push all in, get called by a guy with AQ...sweet right??? wrong...Q on the turn, gg murph!! I mean, give that beat to me in the first hour please, don't do it to me after grinding for 3 plus hours, inching closer and closer to the big money, and then you do that to do...damn you pokerstars!! Although, i did hit a 1 outer on somebody after we were all in earlier in the tourny, so i guess what goes around comes around, but still, it just stings a whole lot more when it happens with only a few tables left!

Bad day at the sng's again, played 5 of cash...3rd place again...on 3 seperate tables at one point, we were at the 150-300 level with 6 guys left!!!! I've never seen so many nits in my life...of course i ran into some MONSTERS because i was the only one raising ANYTHING unless they had KK or AA. That is somewhat of a problem of mine...i can't just sit there and fold fold fold fold fold playing 5 way and it KILLS me when these nits do this, and they catch me with a huge hand....very frusterating!

Won some MASSIVE pots playing .50-1 omaha8 cash games today. Flopped the wheel in one hand, and stacked a guy for a $200 plus pot when he called a huge river bet with a pair of 10's for a high and a bad low!! It may have beenthe worst call i've ever seen...i thought we were splitting the pot 100%, but no, a pair of tens, and like the 4th nut low!! Needless to say i have written down his name and will be looking for him everytime i log on to fulltilt!

It was a decent day on the whole i guess, stuck like 40 on stars, but up 150 on fulltilt.


ps what a great night for t.v!! Between the monday night game, yankees vs indians, high stakes poker AND the bachelor i've never used a remote more in one night in my entire left....i actually think i may have a blister forming on my thumb!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Card dead???

This may have been a first. So i decided to play a bigger tourny then i usually do and entered the $26, 17k fulltilt event. Listen to these steller statistics. I played 74 hands, saw 7 flops, and NEVER WON A POT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a single F ing pot!!!! is that even possible?? I literally sat there for an hour and a half, and just mucked, it was the lamest tournament i've ever played in. The best hand i saw was pockets 6's...that was my only pair, and i NEVER GOT 2 face cards!!!! No i don't mean a pair of face cards, i mean 2 face cards!!!! Not even a QJ off or anything....NOTHING!!! Need less to say i didnt quite make the gay.

Also took a shot at a $20 horse event on fulltilt. Only 50 ppl signed up, so only top 6 got paid, i ended up busting in like 15th...oh well.

On the brighter side of things, played 2 sngs today, won a $10 and came 3rd in a $20. Once again, just like yesterday, my QJ with a nice q82 flop ran into a guy who limped with AA...this time they put a 2nd queen up though and he busted. I then proceeded to lecture him on limping with AA...i'm pretty sure if that guy knew where i lived, he would come hunt me down...hey, i was just stating the obvious....he then hung around to rip me saying how bad i was for the rest of the tourny...except i won it HAHAHA That had to be a little more salt in the wounds for that guy!!

Lastly, came in 17th in a Omaha8 rebuy...350 entries, so i was very pleased with how that played out....was crippled early when someone hit a smooth one outer on me on the river, when we were all in, to pretty much send me to the rail, but again, my short stack ninja play enabled me to fight back.

Still playing a $5 horse tourny on fulltilt and a omaha8 cash game, but i'm quitting soon. I'll let you know if anything comes of those games.


Saturday, October 6, 2007

One of those days

Well, the subject says it all, the poker gods giveth, and the poker gods taketh away. Just couldn't get anything going today. Played in 8 sng's, had one cash, a 3rd, and 4 4ths!!!!!!!! It was sickening. It wasn't bad beats at all either, i was just really card dead, or EVERY time i raised pre flop, i would either run into KK after me hitting top pair of Q or J (this busted me out of 2 sng's) or i would pick up AK, get 3 or 4 callers and WHIFF on the flop completely!! If i threw out a cont. bet, i would get raised, if i checked, there would be a bet and raise behind me, i just couldn't win! I think it was one of those days that even if Phil Ivey played my cards, the results bascially would've been the same...BUSTO!! The last one i played, mid position raised to 60, i hadQQ on button, and called. Flop came AQ7, he bet 100, i call, turn is an A, he bets 250, i raise him to 600, he pushes, as i'm preteding to think about calling ( i have a boat) and ripping him, i finally call...he turns over AQ...goodbye tom...5 hands into the sit n go. Again, it wasn't bad beats, just bad luck. Hopefully tomorrow will be a different day.

Played some .25-.50 nl hold em again, still taking a break from omaha8 until i have a losing day at hold em. Won about 17 bucks but it should've been more. Here is a hand that is bugging me and want to know what you think. Post your reply in the comment section on how u think i played the hand. I pick up AKs in early position, i make it 1.5, next guy re raises me to 4, button cold calls the raise, so do i. Flop comes 853 with 2 spades (i have AK of spades) i check, guy who re raised me bets 7, button min raises to 14 ( this is where i think i should've released my hand), i called, orignal bettor calls. Turn is an ace. Now i have top pair top kicker and nut flush draw. I check, next guy checks, guy who re raised bets 8!! (at 1st i put him on a set with the min re raise, now with the small bet, i was thinking maybe he has QQ or something and that 8 is a scared bet). So i call his 8, into a 60 pot, and the other guy mucks. River is a blank, he has like 20 bucks left, so i just push all in, he calls, set of 3's for him...i lose a 120 pot. Did i butcher this hand?? i don't really think so, the call on the flop after the re raise is really the only part i'm questioning. Let me know what you think.


A quick fulltilt just whored me as per the stacked in my hold em (goodbye hold em cash games)...dude had been raising 50% of pots. It was folded to him in the cutoff, he raises to 2 bucks, i have AQ in bb so i call...flop comes AK2, i check, he bets 4, i call, turn is a 3, i bet 10, he makes it 23, i put him all in, he calls, pocket 2' Murph.

Friday, October 5, 2007

A horse is a horse

Sorry i couldn't post my results lastnight, something came up. Nothing too exciting though, came in 29th in the omaha8 tourny for a nubbins minimum cash. Lost a monster pot when a dude flopped the nut low and high on me (A4) when i was holding nut flush draw, and 2nd nut low...oooops. On the bright side, i top tened my 4th horse tourny in the past 5 i've played, can't seem to break through for the win though (two 4th's, 8th and 9th), i think i need to work on my short handed play a bit. I do recommend the fulltilt book that just came out a few months ago (can't think of the name of it) that has a section on different games written by different pros. I definately have to credit the razz section by Ted Forrest and Huck Seed on helping the razz part of my game for horse!! I just wish stars or fulltilt had some middle of the road buy ins for horse. Its either 5 bucks, or something like 30 or bigger. A nice $10 would be nice!

Only played 2 sng's today, came in 1st in a $20 and 3rd in the $10. I decided at the beginning of the day to take a few days off playing omaha8 cash games because i just haven't been running very good, so i played some .25-.50 nl. (what i'm about to say is the reason i stopped playing hold em cash games). i pick up kk on button, utg raises to 1.5, gets called, i make it 7.5, BB pushes 21 all in, other 2 guys fold, i call, he flips up QQ...Q on the flop, thanks for coming out. Somehow i managed to make 14 bucks in the game when it should've been at least 50. Lastly, played a $10 double shootout for the sunday million, won my first table, and with 6 left, i lost all in pre flop my AQs vs 78 (he raised, i put him all in, and i've never seen a guy call so fast, for a minute i thought he was gonna flip up 2 jokers...well 78 is almost as good), so i was down to 15...yes 15 chips!!!!!!!!!!! the blinds were 25-50. Well with a little short stack ninja play by me, i built it up to 700, and managed to cash to get my my money back...3 away from the ticket though. I think my next article will be how short stack play seeing as i have mastered the art of it.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bubble Boy

There are certain things that you just can't explain in life. The great pyramids in Africa, Stonehedge, how anybody in the world finds carrot top funny, but none of these compare to the guy who just can't fold ace rag for ANYTHING!!! So i'm playing the stars 3 rebuy (maybe the most nuts tourny on the internet) and we're down to 511. 504 get paid, i'm sitting in around 380th. Pick up kk in the sb, get 2 limpers, and i didnt wanna mess around, so i pushed my 16k all in (blinds were 600-1200). BB folds, the other limper folds, now we're at the last limper, who has about 20k in chips...he times out, and calls ( i really didnt want a call, but i knew i was way ahead, so it wasn't that bad if he called) so he flips up A7. Flop comes rags, turn is a rag, river...well as Barry Greensteins book is titled...Ace on the river!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #$%%$%#$&&#$##$# you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a waste of 3 hours!!! Honestley though, how the hell could he call there....after the hand i looked him up, and was shocked to see his ROI if -56 which isn't shocking at all, but it did make me feel a little better.

I promise this won't be a bad beat blog, but that hand really burned me. Alright, i've got 3 tbales going now, and midnight madness is about to start, and i'm in the money in a omaha8 tourny on stars... i'll post my results later tonight.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

In for a quickie

I've gotta make this one quick but how painful was it to watch Scotty Nguyen donk off his HUGE stack and bust out in 11th in the main event last night??? Eventhough i knew it was coming seeing as i followed this years mainevent on, it was still just a huge dagger for the fans to have him not at the final table, especially seeing as he could've coasted to the final table but instead, like most successful players, tried to capitalize off people playing scared and just trying to back their way into the final table....oh well, he had a hell of a run.

Unfortunately i won't be able to get in any poker today (these days are few and far between for me) but i did want to address thie issue of sucking out. I find donkeys do not understand the concept of a suckout. There is a the aggressive suckout, and the passive suckout. The aggressive suckout is when you are on the button, make it 3x bb and the bb pushes, and your getting 2.5 to 1 to pretty much have to call with if u have Q10 and he flips over AJ, you made the right if you happen to win the hand, the clueless donkey may cry about how you sucked out and how could you call his all in with Q10. Well that may be a suckout, but you were playing the pot odds and in a way, it's a good suckout, because you were getting the right price to call. If you watch any of the great players play, you will constantly see this (watch belowabove play a tournament). The passive suckout on the other hand is the guy who NEVER raises, he only calls. He makes 3 bad calls to the river, with ZERO aggression, and if he happens to suckout, good for him, and you want to toss your laptop into the pool, and quit playing online poker for ever seeing as he made 3 bad calls in ONE hand! The bottom line is that you can't fault someone for being aggressive. Aggressive poker leads to big stacks, which leads to final tables, which also leads to wins. There is a fine line between calculated aggression, and reckless aggression which is also the same line that seperates the donkeys from the studs, it is up to you to figure out where this line is.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Here goes nothing

This is a blog for the everyday, run of the mill, low limit poker player. I've been playing online poker for about 3 years now and even though i have reached the point where i think it's safe to say i will never have to reload again, Johnnybax I am not. I can usually be found grinding it out playing 10-20 dollar multi tables and sng's, and various cash games between .25-.50 or .50-1nl hold em games and omaha8 with a decent amount of success. I started out reading some online players blogs about a month ago (Rex55 and Belowabove) and, and that's where this idea came from. There are hundreds of blogs from every online pro out there, and though it's cool to read about people playing for those kinds of stakes, most people just can't relate to this...that's where i come in. People can read my blog and relate to the trials and tribulations of the everyday poker player (granted i play quite a bit more then the everyday poker player i'm sure). The title of this blog (i don't know you but i probably hate you) can pretty much sum up how i feel about 99% of the people i run into playing online poker, and for that matter, when i make the 3 hour trip to Atlantic City. I'm sure i am not alone in thinking this. You love the donkey when he 4 bets his middle pair no kicker into your fullhouse, but you also hate him when he makes that same 4 bet with a gutshot into your set, and he hits.

Anyway, in closing i know it may be tough to accumulate a following, but i have confidence that once my name gets out there, it will snowball. I'm just your typical 26 year old guy who one day aspires to be on the travel channel at the final table of the Borgata Open with Matusow on my left and Chan on my right (that may be tough seeing as i think i have permanatley banned myself from the suckout kingdom of the world errrrrrrrrrr The Borgata), but in the mean time am content to slowly....very slowly build my bankroll.

You can follow me under the names:
Pokerstars: lesmurphy7
Fulltilt: lesmurphy77
Bodog: les murphy7
