Monday, March 10, 2008

So close yet so far

So lastnight i final tabled the 5k guarantee pot limit omaha8 tourny on stars...came into the final table 6/9 and ended up busting in 8th for like $170...i'm still a little sick about it! I think i'm more sick about my bad play on 1 particular handthen anything else...i basically made a raise putting about 40% of my chips in the pot with called, who had been playing A TON of hands! Flop came 368, and he insta bet the pot putting me all initial plan was i was going with my hand no matter what the flop came, but the more i thought about it, i figured he 100% had the low as of right now, and he could back his way into a high, since all i had was an overpair of i decieded to muck after bascially timing the time i wasn't too sick about the fold, but i busted about 5 minutes later and it dawned on me just how bad my fold was! What flop was i looking for with QQA5??? I had an overpair and a decnet low vs a guy who's been VERY was a pretty gross fold looking back..not that i was a big favorite by any stretch, but i'm sure i had either the high or low locked up, and who knows, if a 2 or 4 fall on the turn or river, i may get the low too...$1300 for 1st, and i really felt like it was mine this time...oh well

One hand i actually would like some feedback on (though i'm expecting nothing lol) with 11 left, i was in 4th...i had raised pot pre flop, and guy in 2nd re potted it, essentially putting us both all in if i make the call (we each wouldve had like 25k left in a 100k pot) i mucked becuz i was still sitting very nice at the time, and he didn't seem like the type that would go nuts right on the bubble judging by from how he played...i had AK24...nothing suited though....i know, AK24 is about as good as it gets, but i really htink he wasn't making that huge move unless he held AAxx...yes, i'm still close to a coin flip, but i didn't want to "flip a coin" this close to a huge payday, and i could still fold and be 5/11 and sitting pretty...discuss...

Pokerstars is really making me sick btw...only played in 1 hold em tourny...busted when my 1010 couldnt crack 88 all in pre flop LOL I mean really, how long is this going to go??? I finally got my chat back, and almost lost it again after i busted out of this one...he raised utg, i pushed in the hijack for a pretty big amount...he snap called with his 8's...die pokerstars

i'm actually proud of myself from my cashgame play 4 tables, and within the 1st 30 hands, had my AA cracked by J9 off and 64 off...both called a 4bb raise pre flop (i'm not making this up either!!) Then, about 50 hands later or so i pick up 33 in the sb, button raises, i call and another guy calls...flop come 953 2 clubs...i check, other caller checks, button bets 10...i check raise to 39...other guy smoooooooooooooooooooooooth calls and button folds...turn is a Q...i go all in for like 80 more, he tanks and calls...K of clubs on the river...he has A10 of clubs...ship the $250 pot to the this point, i was really on super monkey tilt, stuck about $250 within 30 minutes of sitting down...when all was said and done, i ended the session up about $45 baby!! The tsn turning point came when i called a re raise with 56 of clubs (i rarely go on tilt, but at this point, i was clearly on tilt)...A donkey who had been playing like 85% of his hands raised to 3, and another guy tried to isolate and made it 9...usually this is an insta fold with 56suited, but i figured if i hit, i would get pair...flop came ,call , i call...turn, call, i go all in, original donkey folds, and other guy calls...he has AA, i win a mosnter...and he proceeds to light me up in the chat box for the next 10 minutes LOL gotta love poker

Ok, don't think i'm playing any tournies tonight...just gridning cash


1 comment:

erin said...

Since you ask for a comment, I thought I'd respond. Well, since you were already in the money, you can't play scared. If you know you have the best hand, don't let someone bluff you out of it. You should have gone all in. You got to go with your gut.