Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The people have spoken

Well, i guess the people have spoken, and it looks like personal life was a clear cut winner, which means i'll dedicate a little more time to my personal life in this blog...but not today lol.

Flew in to see my g/f lastnight and i'm here until Friday...which bascially means, almost no poker this week...today is the only day i can really play becuz shes gone all afternoon, so lets make it a good one!

I think i'm done with hold em tournies again...i think for good this time. Right now, i just can't deal with the beats, i know thats the nature of the game, that eventually things even out, but i'm just sick of it. In the only one i played in on sunday, got it all in pre flop KK vs 1010 gg murph...this was for a monster stack too. Oh well, things have been going really good on the cash game side of things, so i'm gonna stick to that i think for now. Played a few sng's for the 1st time since Feb. 12th...went out on the bubble in 4th both times....my AJ vs KQ and i lost a flip JJ vs AK...i understand thats the nature of these things, but its becoming harder and harder to deal with.

On that note, gotta roll...when i get back home on saturday, i'll post again, but until then, i don't think i'll be able to


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