Sunday, March 30, 2008

2 final tables!

So i decieded to make yesterday a tournament day...kind of, and take a break from grinding cash games. I Played 3 omaha8 tournies, and 1 hold em plus the 100k freeroll on stars ( this is a far cry from back in the day when i was playing 10 plus tournies on the regular). Ended up coming in like 250th or so in the 100k freeroll for 80 bucks, which was nice seeing as i NEVER cash in that thing. Of course, i got 3 outed for a mosnter stack with about 500 left, then ran my AK into a sweet setup hand...5 guys all in...AK, JJ, 1010, 99, and of course, AA( yes this was pretty late seeing as over 3000 people started)...the aces held and busted me. Then there was the $5 rebuy omaha8 on stars...get to the final table 6/9, and im feeling great. 1st place gets $1400...i busted in 8th when some %$*&$%# moron limp, pushed my raise with AKJ8...i pretty much had the dream hand vs him...AAJ2...if this held, i'd be in 2nd and looking PRETTY!! of course, he hits a garbage 2 pair, and there was no low out there, so i busted in 8th for like $150...nearly 24 hours later, i'm still sick!!

While this was going on, i was working my way to the final table of the $10 plo8 on fulltilt...i get to the final table like 7/9 and blah blah blah, i make it to heads up with the WORST PLAYER EVER!!!!!!!!!!! I had been ripping him apart from like 3 tables down, and here i was, heads up with him, with a small chip lead...2 hands in, we got it all in, i had AQ25 he had like KKQ8...the gods were with him, and he F ing scooped, and i really never recovered. Heads up, i dont think i saw a single hand that was even playable in a fullring game, so he pretty much ran me over after the big all in. I took down like $240 for the 2nd. I was disappointed right after it happened, but i literally NEVER play heads up PLO8, so i was a bit out of my element, i may need to work on it a bit in the future! Overall, a very good donkament day, eventhough i still hate them, and am rarely playing them these days.

So i live in a sweet neighborhood where the delivery guy for food got robbed at gunpoint right outside my house lastnight!!!! So he came back to the house after it happened telling us to call the cops. I felt bad for him becuz his english was so bad, that he was having a tough time explaing what happened, and describing the suspects when the cops showed up. Anyway, not sure if they found the 2 thugs, im sure they didnt, but its gonna be a bit unsettling walking outside the house at night for now.

Big news coming at the end of the month, so you'll want to stay turned for that!!


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