Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Make it stop

I'll start this post by pleading with pokerstars...is my doomswitch permanantly on or is this just a temporary thing?? Will you guys flick it off when i get my chat back?? Is this my punishment?? Slap gross beats on him AND he can't even say anything about it since his chat is gone?? I don't get it...i've realized after yesterday, that i'm not running bad in multi tables, i'm running DISGUSTINGLY bad at jokerstars. Had a pretty "sick" day at fulltilt yesterday as i was down to the final 2 tables in 3 seperate tournies all at once around 1am lastnight...finla tabled none of them though :( Busted in like 16th in the $3 rebuy, busted in 18th in on of the daily doubles and busted in 11th in the $26 horse tourny....the cashes were good for about $220 bucks, but it could've been so much better. I actually cashed in both daily double events for an extra $53, so that was very nice! Had a chance to bust Lee Watkinson too...i left him with 2bb's in the stud hand near the end. I could feel the t-shirt on my back lol. Oh yeah, earlier in the day, i final tabled an omaha8 table...busted in 9th though blah!!

Anyway, it was nice to make a few deep runs yesterday, and eventhough i didn't final table any of them, it felt good to be back. I planned on logging a nice cash session after i busted out of all the tournies lastnight, but i was just too exhausted, so i just sat at 1 table and caught up on some 2+2 stuff...made a cool $50 though, so i was happy

I almost forgot...this wouldn't be my blog if i didn't have a bad beat story in there...So i'm in the stars $27.50 8pm buy in....have a huge stack an hour in...turn the STONE COLD NUTS with my A6 of clubs on a Jc10c8c2h board...i bet out...other big stack makes huge overbet all in LOL..(thank you very much sir, u just made this hand easy for me) i snap call..he turns over J10...3 on the river.....yeah right...of course, J on the river...he's now the chip leader, and i have 1 bb left...ty stars you %$*&#$# pieces of %$*#


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