Monday, March 24, 2008

Movie review

Saw 2 movies last week, and i wouldn't mind some feedback on what you guys thought of them. 1st off, Vantage Point...i would give this a 10 out of 10!! I couldn't believe how much i liked it!! Going in, i bascially knew what it was about, and i had heard mixed reviews about it. For those who don't know what it is about...the president of the USA is shot and the movie bascially tells a story from 7 ppls perspectives who saw the shooting. The thing about it is, they literally rewind the movie 7 different times right after the shooting, and start from scratch but from another persons perspective. This is where i heard bad reviews about the movie, but i was literally on the edge of my seat almost the entire movie. I'm not really gonna get into it other then that so i don't ruin it for anyone, but i totally recommend this movie!! Its kind of chilling in the end when u realize exactly what has happended, and that this could actually happen, and there are groups probably at this very moment plotting schemes just like this!

The 2nd movie i finally saw was No Country for Old i believe this won the academy award for best film...and i would have to say this is one of the WORST movies ive ever seen!!!!!!!!! How did this win anything other then dud of the year??? For starters, how the hell can u kill the main character and NOT EVEN SHOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember when they showed lew ellen (???) dead in the hotel thinking to myself that cant be him, it must be someone else becuz they wouldn't just kill him without showing it...wrong...wrong...yes they would. Are u kidding me?? Really nothing happened in the movie, and i was very lost at multiple points continually asking my g/f what is going on...and her not knowing either. The coup de gras was, i had heard the end of the movie is just SICK!!!! So, eventhough i wasnt loving it during the movie, i couldnt wait for this ending. Well, this is a true story right here. We're at the scene where Tommy Lee Jones is sitting at the table telling his wife about his 2 dreams, and i look over at my g/f and say "ya know, up to this point, i'd really only give this movie a C-, but i know the ending is suppose to be amazing, so i won't judge it yet"...about 4 or 5 seconds later, the credits start rolling, and the movie is over?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, what about this amazing end i heard about?? INSTANT F-!!! Me and my g/f literally started rewinding the movie thinking the dvd must've skipped, and we missed the big ending..nope...we saw it...again, nothing happens (the theme of the movie)

Alright, thats it for now...i owuld appreciate some feedback if anyone has seen these movies..particulary no country...


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