Thursday, March 6, 2008

A8...he's all in with A8????

So, i decieded to make it a very light night on stars seeing as i think my doomswitch is still on, and it was confirmed in the $3 rebuy. So i built up a nice stack, and was crusing right along, when i pick up AJ on the button. Now i had been re raising A LOT of ppl. at this point pre flop and taking down the pot right there. So this guy who had been open raising almost everytime it got folded to him makes it like 5.5x the bb. This bet REEKED (is that how u spell reek?) of wekaness, so i make it like 5000 to go...he insta shoves for like 20k total...usually this is a fold, but i've been trying to go with my gut more latey, and i just KNEW he was i bascially time down, make the call (putting him on something like 77-1010)...he calls..turns over A8 and proceeds to hit his 8 on the murph...this would've been for like a top 20 stack.

On the plus side, i came in 11th in the $15 10pm tourny with like 650 runners. Seeing as i was 119/120 at one point, i was happy with the result. HOWEVER, the hand that busted me stung...i was like 7/11 at this point with only like 9bb's...there were a few really short stacks. Folds to me on the button, i have K9s so i push (NOBODY had been calling ANY shoves becuz i think everyone wanted to make the final table). The sb who is the big stacks pushes all in...FUCK!!! i'm praying for him to have like 1010 or something where i'm still semi live..he turns over Q10 of the same suit as me!!!!!!!!!!! SWEET!!!!!! Q on the murph! Oh well, i was a bit salty, but whatever, it was good for like $115

I don't want to Jinx anything, but i'm on pace for a MASSIVE month by the way. I've been on fire on fulltilt, and am sort of close to doubling my fulltilt bankroll in the 1st week of march!!!! Cashed in the daily double again lastnight for an extra $45 but flamed early in the money in both tournies. But i've been playing about 600-700 hands of cash on fulltilt everyday this month, so between the rakeback, and the $200 bonus i'm trying to get, fulltilt has been berry berry good to me. I'm sure i'll lose about $200 now today lol

Ok, playing the same schedule as lastnight bascially...maybe a few more stars tournies...wish me luck!


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