Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Quick update

Just a quickie today....managed to lose a $250 pot when i ran into set over set with my 88 vs AA on a very dry A 8 4 board..this is the 2nd time this exact thing has happened to me in 3 days and both times i'm kicking myself becuz i think i should've been able to get away from it, but i know deep down how hard that is to lay down...virtually impossible...he probably would've played AK or AQ the same way...as well as A8 A4 and 44...so whateevr...AND THEN, in pokerstars non stop goal to bust me, i lost $100 when my KK couldnt crack 66 all in pre flop...i mean seriously...what r u doing putting all your chips in the pot in a cash game, pre flop with F ing 66????? But guess what???? You cant keep a good man down, and i still grinded out a nice $250 win for the day on stars....up yours %$#&%$!!! lol I've actually been messing around with some heads up cash game lately with pretty good results thus far...i swear there r ppl just GIVING away money playing low limit heads up...i'll post my results at the end of the month.

Lastly, i may have bought the 3 most random items EVER at the store today. I bought a little yogourt cup...a bottle of wine...and a muscle milk protein shake lol...the guy at the counter looked at me like i was insane! Yes this was a strange combonation, but it was all necessary!


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