Monday, March 31, 2008

March review!!!

To say March was a profitable month would be an understatement!! I absolutely cleaned up!! Let me start with...

Ended the month up $970 bucks...couldn't quite get to 1k. I started playing sngs again about a week and a half ago and ended up +200. According to my poker tracker, i won $1197 in cash games this month ($165 of it from heads up...this number should be much higher, but i got 2 outed when we were all in today for a $60 pot). You're probably asking yourself "wait a second, that doesnt add up"...oh yes it does...DONKAMENTS!! Once again, they bring me down this month. Actually, i had a nice 79% roi for a $180 profit playing omaha8 donkaments, which makes it even worse for hold em!! I had a strong -63 roi there...oh well, it'll turn around...i hope! Pokerstars owes me a BIG score in the future, i can feel it!! Lastly, i've spent quite a bit playing the WSOP steps (maybe like $150-200), so that also accounts for some money spent. On the positve side though, i have 2 step 4's (valued at $215 each) 2 step 3's and a couple 2's and 1's. All in all a very good month on good ol pokerstars....except for the fact that i run like #$%* in 2-4, 3-6 omaha8 cash games (where i def lost money this month...not sure on the figure though).

KILLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! on march 1st, my account was at $, its sitting at $3135!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Other then the $250 for the 2nd place the other night...this is just gridning cash HARDCORE!!!!!!!!! Ive been 8 tabling .25-.50 cash and really been crushing it!! I think the main reason for this huge jump is the volume ive been putting in this month. Becuz my foot is broken, i'm still not working, so i've literally been sitting around ALL DAY with nothing to do. I'm not sure how many hands i played on fulltilt this month since i just set up my pokertracker to work for fulltilt, but i was literally playing almost 2000 hands a day (minus the week i spent with my g/f). So yeah, the rakeback i get on fulltilt too has been HUGE!!!! Its actually the reason i started playing there so much this month. I figured i could get at least $200 a month strictly from rakeback, which is a nice bonus! Also, being able to 8 table has been huge too!! I play a much tighter game 8 tabling, so its some pretty abc poker, but thats really all it takes to beat the micro limits. I LOVE YOU FULLTILT lol

Ok, so for all of you who struggle in math, the grand total this month was $3055!!!! Looking back, it seems sureal that i made this much money while NOT working month...unfortuntely, it looks like ill be going back to work in the next few days, so the 3000 hand days, with a bunch of sngs mixed in are gonzo :( So, i'm not expecting another 3k month for April, BUT, i think me bascially giving up on multi tables can only do wonders for my bankroll. Its kind of depressing not really playing multi tables much anymore, becuz that big score isn't a possibility playing cash games, but for now, i'm happy just grinding away on my leather ass lol

Alright, thats it for parents are coming to town this weekend, so i'm probably not gonna be playing much from friday-sunday...


ps Has anyone seen the Joe Hachem pokerstars commercial??? why in the world is he playing basketball when it looks like he's literally taking his 1st EVER shot in the game??? He has an uglier shot then a 3 yr girl (no offense to anyone out there), but Jesus, couldnt he be playing rugby or something where he doesnt look quite as bad???????

1 comment:

erin said...

I'm thinking you might want to look into poker as a full time career.