Sunday, March 23, 2008

One goes up, the other goes down

You are looking at the greatest dog in the world on his 3rd birthday...he's a party animal huh!! hahaha Just a pic of me and him watching some tv while i was visting the g/f lastweek

A quick update in the fulltilt account has more the doubled this month and my pokerstars account is going the other way. Today i lost 2 monster pots with a jack high flush vs king high flush, and a queen high flush vs an ace high flush...both pots we each held 2 of the suit, and i bascially got stacked in both hands...ty pokerstars. I'm also hemoraging in omaha8 lately too...add all this together, and i'm done a bit on stars this month, but fulltilt is more then making up for it. I'm actually starrting to like fulltilt a lot better now...the fact that i get rakeback there is HUGE. I'm really starting to think i may start playing a whole lot more on fulltilt!

By the way...have i mentioned how much i hate hold em tournys???? no???? well i do!! and they are on the ban list once again for the rest of the least on stars.

Ok...seeing as how the ppl have spoken, i guess i'll fill you in on my personal life a little...very little. For starters, my name is no Les Murphy ( you'd be shocked at how many times i get ripped for this being my name at the tables..ppl think its my real name) For those not in the know...its worm from rounders...i think he only says it once or twice in the you've probably heard it, without knowing it...but that's where the name comes from. Looking back, i wish i could change my screenname becuz i have 101 things id rather make it, but oh well...its les murphy till death now! Now a bit about me and my typical day... I'm in my MID 20's and i work the midnight shift (generally 2300-0700), i wake up around 130 in the afternoon or poker till around 4 30, then goto the gym...come home...make dinner...and usually play some poker until i have to leave for work...this is a very basic outline of my day...i described bascially the ideal day...however, it doesn't go down like this most of the time...things come up, and i have to change up the schedule. As my readers know, my g/f lives in the midwest, and we've been together WAY too long LOL...kidding...she moved there about a year ago, and took our dog too (the greatest dog EVER imo)...hopefully i'll be moving there in the next couple of months as ive been applying for the dream job there since Sept...long process i know...but yeah...thats about all your getting out of the personal life...oh a HUGE sports fan and bascially will watch anything from Football to Golf and most stuff inbetween.

There ya have it....i asked what u wanted....u told me, and presto hahaha...sorry i didnt get too personal, but hey too bad so sad

Ok...getting ready to fire up some tables here...wish me luck!!


ps shout out to my boy strifer...ty for coming to my table pokerstars chat is i ciouldnt say anything to ya...but i saw ya!


erin said...

Mid 20s? I've heard you're in your LATE 20s...sounds like some life you lead. You've been together with the g/f? Maybe you should S*#^ or get off the pot.

Unknown said...

applying for the dream job??? It sounds to me like you're living the dream!!!