Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sept Results

So, all in all it was a pretty gross month as you can see. I had a nice 5 buy in upswing to end the month, so its actually not near as bad as it was a few days b4that, but still, a disgusting, unacceptable month of poker!! I ran about $4000 below expectation this month, so weeeeeee on that (yes, for the few nerds like me who actually understand this graph, i know this isn't EXACTLY true, but it does give you a basic idea of how shitty i lol all you want at my explanation of how to interpret these graphs). Factor in the $520 in rakeback this month, and the grand total is approx -$192 PUUUUUKKKKKEEEE. Actually, mid month it was looking like i would end up down a significant amount more, so all in all, i guess its not too bad. I can't remember actually having a losing month (including rakeback) since i began blogging, so lets hope i put this month behind me and continue progressing.
Not much else to say, so i'll end it here...lets go on a month long heater baby!!! Oh yeah, i'm staying at 100nl....F 50nl!!!

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