Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blog Mania

So this is like the 400th blog of the month so far, but hey, a lot is going on. Decieded to play a few donkaments today seeing as this is the 1st weekend i've had NOTHING planned and took 3rd in a Horse donkament for $150. I came into the final table 6th, but was just card dead...factor in the 6 out of 7 hands in a row i was the bring in, and all 6 of those pots were raised, i pretty much lost half my stack and was just trying to hang on to place a few spots higher since 1st and 2nd had like 60k chips, and 3rd had like 14k ( i was around 10k). Anyway a few donks busted, and next thing i know, we are 3 handed. So there very 1st hand, i pick up 77 in the bb (planning to go broke here) button raises...i 3 bet him, he calls, flop comes KKQ (not the worst ever)...he checks, i bet, he calls...turn 8..he checks, i bet (putting me all in) he calls and turns over J9...WTF!!!!!!!! guess what comes on the river....a 10...striaghts good !st was $390, so that would've been sweet, and if i win that last pot, i'm right back in it, but it wasn't meant to be...still, i'm happy with the result!! Also won $80 in a stars freeroll it was a good day.

So this kid comes to the door selling chocolate, and i listen to his speel having ZIPPY intention of buying i wait for him to be done, and i say "sorry, i'd help you out, but i have no cash on me"...perfect right????? WRONG...the kid says "we take checks" LOL ooooops!!!!!! Chcks you say?? Ok, here you go...6 bucks down the drain...i guess i'm gonna need a better excuse next time then i dont have cash.


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