Thursday, October 2, 2008

SICK day of poker

So i decieded to put in a MONSTER session today...i played 3900 hands!! I'm not sure what the most i've played in one day is...i think closer to 5000, but that was 2 seperate sessions...this was one giant session. I actually played most of it w/o pt2 running since i wanted to 12 table and it just lags to much. The grand total for the day you ask???? $3.80 LOL...thats right, a whole 3 bucks (plus another $60 in rake). Which one of these would you rather have happen to you. Getting AA vs KK all in pre flop and a King comes and lose $200...or you raise with AA, get a few callers...flop comes 884...and some moron held 8-4 offsuit and lose $200???? Can't quite decide??? Well they both happened within 10 minutes to me today...pretty fun!! I was also 2 outed twice for like $80 pots each, AND lost AK to KJ all in pre flop for $40, AK vs A9 all in pre for $40. I've literally never seen anything like it. Easily could've been like a $400 or $500 day if the best hand just held up on most of those pots. I understand that AK is only gonna beat KJ 70% of the time, but why am i NEVER on the 30% side????? I literally don't think i put my money in bad a single time today and won the pot...not once. Not only do i get sucked on constantly, but it seems i NEVER suck out...NEVER!!! The closest i ever come in winning coin flips vs short stacks.

Whatever. All this shit, and i still profitited for the day, so i guess i shouldn't complain. I really feel like my game is razor sharp right now...i'm making so many sick call downs these days that the profits have to come sooner or later. There is nothing i love more then checking my hand on the river KNOWING that the donkey will bet his missed draw, and you snap him off!!

Ok, g/f is going away for the weekend, so expect a whole lot of grinding!!


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