Monday, October 6, 2008

ZOMG i sucked out!!

So, for the 1st time i can remember in a LONG time, i grossly sucked out on some donkey with a 2 outer. I have KK and raise, get 1 caller...flop comes 972... he checks, i bet, he calls...turn is a 2...he INSTA shoves his stack, like $75 into a $25 like wtf!!! His stats seemed normal, but i just couldn't put him on a hand that beat me...i was thinking he has 9-7 and just got whored by the 2 on the turn, but i wasn't i make the call...he turns over 99...LOL...seriously wtf!! plays like this should never get rewarded...and this one didnt....K on the sir. It felt so good to hit that 2 outer...i can't even count how many times it's happened to me lately, so i'll take min and revel in it!!

Played in another stars donkament yesterday and final tabled it. It was my 1st time playing those 8 game tournies (which is basically HORSE with PLO, nl holdem, and 2-7 triple draw). I have played some cash in all of them, so i am very familar with the games, but never in a tournament. Ended up coming in 5th. Once again, it was GAY limit hold em that i busted on. Once again, just like Saturday, i had the best hand when the money went in and ended up on the rail. I was kind of enraged at how this one went down too. I had like 4bb (was the short stack) and pick up A9 on the gets folded to me, so i raise...the BB 3 bets me (so i feel like i'm in trouble now), i raise it back putting me all in...he calls...and turns over Q6 offsuit...WTF!!!! Q on the me. I mean seriously, he 3 bets Q6 into a guy who has 2 big bliunds not folding, and you aren't beating ANYTHING!!!! It sucks becuz that would've put me 3rd in chips...oh goes the life of donkaments.


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