Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Been awhile!

So it's been a little while since i updated here, so here ya go. For starters, hopefully nobody listened to my 2 "locks" of the week for college football, both lost...i should've posted my nfl picks too since 2 of the 3 won, but oh well...theres always next week!

I mentioned it last post, but i've switched to a "new" game they have at pokerstars. They are double or nothing sngs. These things seem like the easiest money EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Basically its a 10 man sng, and 5 ppl. win...if its a $20 sng, you get $40. In the past week, i've won a pretty decent amount just playing these alone. However, i'm writting this blog after the grossest session of all time. I literally lost about 4 or 5 70-30 all ins in a row, then lost a 80-20. What ive been doing is firing up 9 of these at a time, and going to town. Usually i've been going 6 for 9 or 5 for 9, and i've only had 3 losing "block of 9's" in well over 200 sngs (this last one i won 2 of 9....sick). Anyway, for the time being, these seem like easy money. The downfall is, the game is about as far from poker as i've ever seen...i can't believe how many times ive folded AA KK QQ pre flop...but, right now, i'll go where the money is, and worry about improving my game a little later.

For those of you who are new readers, i use to play sngs as my main form of poker, so i have a decent background playing them. I started out playing the $20...and quickly moved to the $30 sngs and would usually play 4 at a time...3 $30's and 1 $50...this was a nice little routine i had, but i just got sick of tournament play. You can literally play perfect poker thw whole time, but your life comes down to a flip a lot of the time. There is never any room to make a play without pot committing yourself, so its bascially shove or fold poker...i feel comfortable doing this, but it gets old pretty fast, hence the reason i switched over to cash games. So i imagine i'll continue playing these until the games dry up, or i just get sick of losing 60-40's or coin flips, or even worse 80-20's.

On the cash game front, i actually played A TON of hands for me in the first week of october, so my hand total is still pretty high for only being halfway through the month, but i really haven't played much this past week. So far, i'm in the positives, which is all i really care about at this point, factor in the rakeback, and i;m having a pretty good month so far. If i can have the same last 2 weeks, as these first 2 weeks, i will be a happy man!!

Ok, thats it for now...btw, work is going ok, and really hasnt cut into my poker playing too much which is nice!!!


ps Have i mentioned i'm going to Vegas next month!!!! woooo hoooo!!

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