Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pokerstars month....BLAH Review B

This is how pokerstars went for the you can see, i got off to a really nice start lol...oh well...grinded my way back to close to even playing cash games. Bottom line, i ended up down $550 on stars this month. For starters, i was actually down about $100 more then this graph shows in cash games...somehow an entire session got deleted from pokertracker, so it didnt register, but i was stuck about $100. Lost probably close to $300 playing omaha8 (literally the worst run ive ever had in that game...ive never held the nuts so many times in my life on the flop and turn, only to have someone spike their gin card EVERYTIME on the river...sick). I only played 7 tournaments onstars the enitre month (sigh...i miss multi tables) and lost around $60. Sng's i only play 16 this month, and ended up down $15. I guess thats about it...i actually cashed in a few freerolls on starts in april, so give or take, that was the breakdown fore the month.
Grand total for both sites...$770 for April...(begin applause)...Seeing as i started the month down $1000...its feels pretty nice to turn a profit of almost $800!!
I need to watch lost here b4 i goto work, so i wont post my goals for may until tomorrow....but to be quite honest, im glad april is was a very swingy month, and i'm hoping for a little more consistency in may...
ps click on the graph to get a better picture of it

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