Thursday, April 10, 2008


So today was suppose to be a big multi table day, but i shut it down early after i was bounced from 3 tournaments 1)AA vs 77 all in pre flop 2) JJ vs A7 all in pre flop 3) AK vs A5 all in pre flop. These do not include my KK vs QQ all in pre flop during the $5 re buy for a huge stack, and of course i bust with 1010 vs least it was in the money...i lose every race, i get sucked out on, and yet, i managed to that was it for the hold em tournies...i was bounced from an omha8 tourny when some MORON hit a 1 outer on the river to bust me, he needed the 4 of hearts to come, and sure enough...4 of hearts on the river... i just laughed and closed the table...its times like these where i'm glad my chat is banned (speaking of which....its been over a month i ever getting it back?) Managed to come in 3rd in the $5 rebuy omaha8 on fulltilt though for $125 which was nice! With 12 left, i was leading, and i guess wasnt paying attention, and misread my hand, thinking i hit the nut straight on the river, when actually i i came out betting the pot (it was a huge pot too) and he called and scooped with the nut low, and a pair of 8's LOL...this put me in dead last since the guy who i was in the pot with was 3rd at the time...i grinded my way back though, and took home a decent piece of change...why i even bother playing hold em tournies any more is beyond me...

So, how is the cash game going you ask?? Here is 1 hand that tells it all... i limp with 22...we see the flop 4 comes 442 (decent flop) sb min min raises (at this point, u cant take the grin off my face) so i make it like min raises me to like flat calls...(clearly the both have the 4 now) i make it pushes all snap calls...and me, who has the mortal nuts since these morons obviously each have a 4 calls....$140 in the has has 46...i have 22...6 on the turn...ship it to the guy with the worst hand....nuff said

It really is sickening how bad i'm running right now...i dont even know what to do. I'm sick of complaining about it, but i literally NEVER get it in bad and win...the only time i EVER win a pot, is when i get it in good...and even then, i only with about %50 of more sweet hand and im done....utg raises to 1.75...i smooth call on button with AQ...moron in BB pushes for like 33...original raiser usually this is a fold, but this guy had been a maniac, and i was looking to gamble since i'm on perma semi-tilt these i call expecting a race...oh my bad, he flips over the best possible hand...QJ...i hit my ace in the flop (hand over right?) goes runnning hearts and he takes it down...nh sir...well played

Lastly, its not the amount of money that i'm losing thats buggin me ( i'm actually only down like $100 on fulltilt this month)...its the beats i cant deal with....i'm losing every session, but only a small amount each time, when in reality they should be big winning sessions....oh well, i know it'll turn around...


ps Sorry for such a bitchy post, but i'm very frusterated and annoyed right now!

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