Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Tale of 2 sites: review A Fulltilt

Well its that time of the month again....time for a wrap up. As most of you know, i started the month on a DISGUSTING stretch finding myself down 1k..."things change mox" and here are the totals .
The above graph is my month on fulltilt just cash games. All in all, i was up $1230 for the month on fulltilt (this number includes $300 from rakeback...VERY nice...and $150 won playing some donkaments). Whatever is left probably came from some omaha8 i played and i cashed in a couple freerolls during the month. As you can see, once my doomswitch was turned off, i started to really put up some nice results, but that start to the month was so gross, i just oculdn't post another SICK month, but i'll definately take $1200 considering after 18k hands, i was down nearly $500!!
I'm slow when it comes to computers and cant figure out how to post another graph in this blog, so i'll start a new one for my stars

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