Friday, May 2, 2008


Goals for May: WIN MONEY!!! Well, aside from the obvious, i just want to play good poker. I feel like if i put in a good volume, and play solid poker and NOT run like shit, that the potential for a really big month is there for the taking. I'm not even asking to run like God, just let the best hand hold when it should. Unfortunately, this is going to be a busy month for me, and i probably wont be able to put in a crazy # of hands. The only real 2 goals i'm setting are 1) $1500 in profit...this is NOT too much to ask seeing as i won half of that last month and ran like death for the frist 2 weeks....AND after 2 days in may, i'm up a decent amount (JINK!!!) and 2) Snag a top 3 in a multi table...i'm actually gonna playa few more this month, so a nice score would be nice (i figure 4 months of running bad in them means im overdue!!!). Those are the only goals i'm setting.

Quickly, i'm making the big move at the end of the month to halfway across the country to move in with the g/ farewell poker LOL...kind of...the months of playing 50k hands i think are thats also why i'm hoping May can be a big month...i'll keep you all posted on the move becuz i know your dying to here more about it lol

Ok, lamo post, but whatever...i'm going to watc hte end of lost now...


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