Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lol donkaments

So i decieded to make this afternoon a donkament day...flamed in all my stars tournies (standard) but fulltilt was a bit different. Played in a $14 satalite for the $50 330 toruny and won the satalite, so i was free rollin' for the $50...bottom line, ended up coming in 14th for $150...on the whole i'm happy, but the hand i went out with was a doozy...im in the BB with 10bb's sitting in 11/14...folded to the SB who just shoves...i wake up with AK (YES!!!) i snap call...he turns over 106 offsuit....10 on the river gg murph....yes, i threw up on my laptop when this happened. If i win this pot, i'm sitting pretty nice, and looking at making the final table where the winner gets 4k...whatever, i run like shit, and i can never run good enough to EVER win a donkament, and ive accepted that. Earlier in the tourny, i was chipping up nicely, i made a standard raise with AK....guy shoves all in over the top...i call, he has AJ...Jack on the turn LOL...this pot would've put me in 2nd place and i wouldve been crusing...instead i had to play a mid-short stack the whole way...it just doesn't stop ya know!!

I will say this though...i did suck out on the bubble to stay alive...had like 4500 with blinds at like 300-600...36 ppl got paid and there were like 39 left...i pick up A10...fodled to me...i push...get a call...bb goes all in, other guy folds...bb has KK..i hit my ace to triple up. blah blah blah, thats tournament poker i know...but its these frusterations that have made me HATE playing them now a days!

Ok, grinding some cash tonight, nothing too exciting...


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