Tuesday, April 8, 2008


This picture can double as my reaction after this hand. I'm pretty sure this is the worst beat i've ever taken...maybe not % wise, but after you hear it, you'll know why. I raise AQ to $1.50...everyone folds to bb who calls. Flop comes A86...he checks, i bet 3...he check raises to 6( the oh so powerful min check raise lol), so i sense weakness, so i make it 33 (he had like 35 behind at this point)...he thinks about it for awhile...and calls (at this point, i'm no longer loving my AQ, he could have 2 pair right now)...turn comes a 10, he checks, i bet the 3 to put him all in, he calls...and turns over 10 2?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????!?!?!!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT?????? See if you can guess what came on the river.....A DEUCE....ship the $90 to him. I mean the flop came A86, and u have 10 2...i dont hate the attempt at the check raise, i mean, if i didnt have an ace, he owuldve taken it down then...but i made it $33 and he had $36 left...how the hell could he call that????? he had NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! not even a backdoor flush/straight draw...he literally had NOTHING!!! Ive really never seen anything like it!!

That hand bascially sums up how my month is going, i've been running like ass in cash, and i've played quite a few hands too. Thankfully i've won about $100 in omaha8 cash games and i'm up in sngs...not enough to cover the hold em loses though. Oh well, the month is still early, lets hope my 1st week of the month doomswitch has now been flicked off until may!!

Havent played a single tournament this month, but i think tomorrow i'm gonna make a tourny day, so hears to running like fire!!!

Sorry i dont have anything interesting to report...but cash games are boring, which means, not much to write about!!

One more sweet hand...utg raises to $1.5...i'm on the button with AA, so i make it 5.25...they guy in the bb pushes all in for $50....clearly i snap call....and he turned over 10 6 offsuit HAHAHAHAHAHA...i held and won it but 106?? are u serious????? This is the reason you dont fold KK pre flop in a micro limit cash game...there are WAY too many guys who play like that!! lol No matter how much it may look like AA...sometimes it can be 10 6 offsuit lol


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