Monday, February 4, 2008


Final tabled a fulltilt $10 tourny lastnight (got home from watching the superbowl at about 10:55, and just made it in to the 11pm buy in)...yada yada yada, i came in 6th...don't really ask how it went, becuz i have no clue. It was a very frusterating final table...EVERYONE was scared to bust (except me of course). I was raising about 3x per lap with bascially mediocore cards, but everytime someone played back at me, it had RAGS, so i would just have to muck. Right when i would start to build my stack, i'd get re raised and be back at square one. I finally decieded to call one of the guys coming over the top since i was getting about 2to1 on my call ( i had KQ suited), of course, he woke up with hindsight, i should've folded becuz i knew they weren't coming over the top of me light becuz they were all so scared to bust in 9th. Anyway, this bumped me into push fold mode...played a decent short stack and OF COURSE my A7 lost to 99 to bust f ing time can i suck out there...its not even a bad suck out...just SOMETHING!!!

Anyway, other then that, it's been a ROUGH start to Feb. I've decieded that if i win 1 $39 sat. this week, i'm gonna play in the sunday million this go murph!!


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