Thursday, February 14, 2008

Money money money

So, yesterday i won $100 6 tabling .25-.50 on full tilt and won about $190 4 tabling .50-1 on stars...its nice living a donkament free life right now!! Cash games truely are a grind, plain and simple. That was the reason i started playing tournaments in the 1st place, just to mix it up. But when it comes down to it, cash games are my forte..period! I'm sure in a few weeks i'll be sick of just grinding 4 and 6 cash games at a time, but for now, i need the bankroll boost...i'm down a few hundo this month, so maybe i can get something going ion cash games.

I just got done 6 tabling some full tilt cash and won another $80. This hand brought back good memories of donakaments though. This one donkey had been literally playing EVERY HAND!! So i was just waiting to catch him. I pick up KQs (not a powerhouse, but it was something) i limp...he mkaes it $ i call and so does the sb. Flop comes Q42 checks, i check (planning to check raise WHEN he bets) and of course, he overbets this point i'm putting him on like 77 or 88 or something like that...that being said, he would still call a huge overbet all i push $50 into the snap calls (for a second i'm like omg he can't have KK or AA here)...nope he flips over Q3 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA wait....wait....wait...3 on the turn ship the $100 to the donkey...who then fills up the chat box with "hahahahahahahaha". So yeah, its good to know 2 outers happen in cash games too....God poker can be enraging...should be up close to $200 today, but oh well. I did get him back though, when i rivered a straight flush, and made my patented overbet of $30 into a pot with $12 in it...i was praying to god he had the nut flush...but he called the 30 anyway...with one pair LOL he went in the tank though on the river...he kept asking me if i missed my draw, and i'm trying to buy the pot LOL...gotta love the fish


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