Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Farewell Donkaments

The title says it all...no more donkaments...WARNING WARNING WARNING...bad beat stories coming...abort blog without delay.

Ok, now that i've lost ALL my readers, i'm done with donkaments for a while. Today, i busted out of 4 of them all in pre flop with pair over pair (ex. my QQ vs 55..this one happened twice). 2 of them were while i was semi-deep into the cash. However, my personal favorite had to be when i had 7h8h and the flop came and the flop came 5h6h10d...so i floppped an open ended straight flush draw...i'm in the sb, and i come out betting the pot...a guy in middle position pushes all in (he has like 10k, when the avg stack is like 3k), i call with 257 outs, thinking i'm gonna need to hit my flush or straight (usually a pretty safe assumption)...WRONG....WRONG...he turns over KJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWTTTTTTTFFFF!!!!! He had nothing!! of course, i miss all my 22 outs twice...is it even possible to have 22outs u ask??? indeed it is...9 flush, 9 straight and 2 non heart 7's and 2 non heart 8's...King high good sir...well played

So yeah, while i was in the middle of this shit happening, i told myself i was taking a week of donkaments, but since 2 more gross beats (i limp utg with KK)...folded to the blinds who both call (damn)...flop comes 246...sb bets min, bb raises (i don't love my hand now, but i was somewhat short so i push) sb folds, bb insta calls with 76..(SWEET!!!!)....7 on the river gg murph lol...i mean it was almost comical at this point. Anyway, i'm taking the rest of the month of donkaments...i think u have to be a lucky person in general to do well in donkaments, and i'm not that...i can't run like God for 5 hours to EVER win one of these...it may osunds like sour grapes, but believe me, it's been GROSS for the past few months.

So it's gonna be cash games, and cash games only for murph (except for thestars 2 million guarantee this sunday...maybe i've been saving up running like God for this). Been playing a bit on fulltilt too to capitalize on my rakeback...well, also the fact that pokerstars cruely still has my doomswitch on since my chat got banned...Yes, my chat got banned a few days ago...for what u ask??? For telling it like it is...period!! If it didn't get banned a few days ago, TRUST ME< after today, it would've gotten banned...

:get it in bad and pray"...the donkey's motto


ps a funny hand the other day, just to show i don't run like ass (24/7)...playing .25-.50 on full tilt...i had been raising this guys SB from the button A TON!!! He started to play back at me a few times, and i mucked each time...then i pick up A7 so i make it $2 on the button...of course, he re raises me to like 8...now i had mucked like the last 4 times he did this...so i make it 29 (planning to show him when he folds)...except, he pushes all in for 50..now, its like 20 bucks more to me to win $100...so even though i was pretty sure...well, 110% sure i was beat...but i call...he turns over AQ...Q on the flop...7 on the turn....7 on the river HAHAHAHA this guy was ready to kill me...NOW DON"T WORRY READERS...clearly when something like this happens, they have to whore me...so, about 4 hands later....i flop set under set, with the only other guy with a $100 stack and lose it all...come on, since when is middle set EVER good...top set good sir...good ol fulltilt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading, it makes me feel good about my string of beats.