Sunday, February 17, 2008

My return to donkaments...LOL

So, eventhough i have still banned myself from donkaments, i couldn't pass up the stars 2 million guarantee today. There are not enough words in the english language to describe how much i hate tournaments. Let's see if everyone can guess what i busted with/?? Did you say AA?? You got it!! I wouldn't have it any other way!! I raise pre, get 1 call...flop comes K62 rainbow (PERFECT flop holding AA becuz most ppl will stack off if they hitthere king) i bet about the pot...he raises (perfect, everything is falling into place here) i go all in, he calls...pocket murph!! It just doesn't stop. This tournament was so sweet...bascially, every 3rd person won $180 bucks...and i bust in the 1st hour.

I wish i knew how to post my poker tracker stats holding AA...its comical...i've STILL lost money with them in over 15000 cash hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's hilarious!! I've won big money with all the top 10 hands (like you should in 15k hands) except AA. I've run into so many sets on dry boards its gross. I literally replayed EVERY time ive been dealt aces in the past 3 months, and i think i misplayed, them maybe once or twice...other then that...i can't win with them.

Anyway, i'm still gonna be bitter about the 2 mill guarantee for a few hours, but whatever. My donkament days are over for the time being (thabnk God). Cash games are going sweet though. Took down possibly my biggest pot ever in a online cash game lastnight (about $540)...Ace high was good HAHA. I give myself credit for being able to 5 bet this guy on the button who had been stealing a ton. Playing some 1-2. He made it 8 from button, i'm in SB with AK, so i make it $29...he makes it $ i'm thinking geez, does he really have a hand this time, but i had the stones to go with my original read of him stealing, so i push all in for like $265 total...this guy goes in the tank, and fianlly calls ( at this point i'm thinking he must have at least 1010-AA or AK or AQ)...the flops comes something like 965...turn is a 6..river is a J..i'm like OMG i just lost this pot...WRONG....this donkey had KQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, that pot felt good, and i'm glad i was able to stick with my guns and make that 5 bet push pre flop becuz i knew he was stealing.

Ok, thats it for now...going to visit the g/f tomorrow and i come home thursday, so bascially no poker for the next few days...i'm actually looking forward to this!


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