Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hold em??? who needs hold em!

So i came back home thursday night after spending the past 3 days at my girlfriends place. You want a bad beat? How about my luggage never came!!!! Pretty sweet!!! They told me monday night when i flew in that they would deliver it tuesday morning (not a huge deal)...but they never happened. I got a call wednesday night saying they just found my luggage and they will deliver it thursday morning...i told them to F ing keep it at the airport seeing as i was flying home thursday morning!! Even when i'm not playing poker, i'm taking bad beats!

I've been absolutely killing the mixed games the past week or so! My g/f had class everyday i was there, so i was able to squeeze a few hours of poker in, and i've been rolling!! I've started playing some 7 card stud hilo too...but mainly its coming from omaha8. Also decieded to start playing some nl and pot limit omaha8 too. This was a funny hand...i flopped quad Kings on a AKK board...guess what the other guy had???? yup, AA LOL...ty for your stack sir...we both slow played it to the point where the pot wasnt even big going to the river....good thing i bet $40 into a $22 pot...and he ty sir!

Ok, so i'm still not playing any tournaments until march...kind of...i have the night off tonight, so i'm gonna play some mix game tournies...some omaha and horse...not expecting much, but i just need to break the monotany of grinding cash games....wish me luck tonight!


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