Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Murphy Mania

Check out the guy next to me...his name look familar??? lol thought it was kind of funny...
Anyway, made another final table tonight...this time it was in the tournament that hates me more then anything...the $20 180 man sng's...i think i was literally 1 for 23 in cashing in these, or somehting gross like that. Ended up coming in 5th for like $250....BLAH!!! I was the chip leader with 18 to go, but made a few spewy plays trying to accumulate chips after the bubble broke (however with about 20 left, i pwnd my table!!!! big re raises putting ppl to the test right on the bubble when u have rags is very +ev yet nerve racking at the same time...thankfully, nobody looked me up). Anyway, by the time the final table started, i was in 8th...YIKES!! 1st hand of the final table...i pick up JJ! I'm in middle position with about 12bb' i just push, not wanting to get fancy if overs come on a flop...button insta calls, and turns over AK...somehow i won this race, and was now in 3rd!!! That's it....literally never saw another hand the rest of the final was God awful!!! ( i tried to copy and paste the HH here, but it owuldn't looked something like 74, 65, J2, 105, Q6, 93, etc) What made it 10x worse was that to my immediate left were 2 guys each sitting on like 7 bb' i couldn't raise with a weak hand, becuz i'd be forced to call their shove no matter what i i don't even think i put in a raise the entire final was just torture. The worst part was, that these 2 just would not bust!!! I figured they're so short, once they bust, i can start opening some pots weak, and not worrying about a shorty coming over the top...but they just hung around FOREVER!!!! So, somehow i last until there are 5 of us guy with like 130k, and the rest of us between 25-40k...i had like 30k at this point. The big stack turns it on now, and is literally raising every pot...he wins about 6 hands in a row, then i pick up AQs...he raises utg to like 8000, i have like 26k, so i push (fully expecting to win this pot), the guy next to me also pushes....he wakes up with murph. So Fu#$*&%$ gay!!
Oh well, it feels good to make 2 final tables in the past 2 days, but i'm kind of disappointed with this one...i really wanted to take it down, but i guess it wasn't my day!
Qucikly, on another bitter note...satalited my way into the 55k guarantee at 930...and busted in a sweet way about 100 from the money...utg min raises, i have AQ next to him, so i push all in (about 17bb's)..the button goes into the tank....then he pushes his massive stack to isolate me (at this point i'm PRAYING for him to have JJ so at least we're racing)...utg mucks, and the button turns over KQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!! I'm gonna double up HUGE here...WRONG....WRONG...K on the F-ING RIVER!!!!
Ok, that's about it i guess...played some heads up cash today and won about 40 was fun seeing as i tilted this guy so bad he pushed 50 bucks pre flop with KJ...i had AK....J on the flop...A on the river baby!! ty donkey!!

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