Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb. Review

This month almost mirrored last month. The first week and a half or so, i was stuck about 500 or 600 bucks...then managed to turn it around in a big way, and when all was said and done, i ended up around $500 bucks on stars, and about $100 on fulltilt (i had $80 in it was pretty much a break even month, but i netted $100 or so). The funny thing is, the last 2 weeks of the month, i played nothing but omaha8 and stud 8 or better. It would have been a much better month, but i had an absolutely GROSS day on wednesday, and managed to lose $250. I've never seen so many counterfit cards come on the river to lose me not only the scoop, but even half the was bad!

Anyway, tomorrow, i'm gonna start playing some tournies again. Probably not as many as i had been playing, but i will start to play them again. I feel like the 2 week break refreashed me quite a bit and i'm itching to get back to making some deep runs. I actually haven't played a sit n go for 2 weeks too, so i'm really looking forward to playing them again, especially since they were a big money maker for me in the past!

Just in case you're keeping track, this was the 2nd big losing month in a row for me in multi tables, and i've still had 2 nice winning months overall(although, i'm not on my 10k pace). I'm really hoping i can turn it around in March and post a huge month!!

Ok, nothing really interesting in this post i know...but grinding cash games is VERY not interesting...oh, and speaking of grinding...i really put in a ton of volume in Feb. I easily maintained my gold status on stars, and managed to somehow make silver on fulltilt...i'm actually going to have to grind fulltilt pretty hard for the next few weeks seeing as i have a $200 bonus in the bank and i have until the 21st to get it that means, bring on the 6 tabling!!


ps happy unofficial st. patricks day!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Came in 16th for $60...blah

Final table y'all

Just took 6th in the $10 Horse tourny for $130...razz destroyed me at the final table...i was the bring in 4 hands in a row when i was already short...pretty fun game...riiiiiiiiiiiight.

Sitting 20/48 right now in the 5k guarantee Omaha8 too, already well into the money...who needs hold em anyway???


Hold em??? who needs hold em!

So i came back home thursday night after spending the past 3 days at my girlfriends place. You want a bad beat? How about my luggage never came!!!! Pretty sweet!!! They told me monday night when i flew in that they would deliver it tuesday morning (not a huge deal)...but they never happened. I got a call wednesday night saying they just found my luggage and they will deliver it thursday morning...i told them to F ing keep it at the airport seeing as i was flying home thursday morning!! Even when i'm not playing poker, i'm taking bad beats!

I've been absolutely killing the mixed games the past week or so! My g/f had class everyday i was there, so i was able to squeeze a few hours of poker in, and i've been rolling!! I've started playing some 7 card stud hilo too...but mainly its coming from omaha8. Also decieded to start playing some nl and pot limit omaha8 too. This was a funny hand...i flopped quad Kings on a AKK board...guess what the other guy had???? yup, AA LOL...ty for your stack sir...we both slow played it to the point where the pot wasnt even big going to the river....good thing i bet $40 into a $22 pot...and he ty sir!

Ok, so i'm still not playing any tournaments until march...kind of...i have the night off tonight, so i'm gonna play some mix game tournies...some omaha and horse...not expecting much, but i just need to break the monotany of grinding cash games....wish me luck tonight!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

My return to donkaments...LOL

So, eventhough i have still banned myself from donkaments, i couldn't pass up the stars 2 million guarantee today. There are not enough words in the english language to describe how much i hate tournaments. Let's see if everyone can guess what i busted with/?? Did you say AA?? You got it!! I wouldn't have it any other way!! I raise pre, get 1 call...flop comes K62 rainbow (PERFECT flop holding AA becuz most ppl will stack off if they hitthere king) i bet about the pot...he raises (perfect, everything is falling into place here) i go all in, he calls...pocket murph!! It just doesn't stop. This tournament was so sweet...bascially, every 3rd person won $180 bucks...and i bust in the 1st hour.

I wish i knew how to post my poker tracker stats holding AA...its comical...i've STILL lost money with them in over 15000 cash hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's hilarious!! I've won big money with all the top 10 hands (like you should in 15k hands) except AA. I've run into so many sets on dry boards its gross. I literally replayed EVERY time ive been dealt aces in the past 3 months, and i think i misplayed, them maybe once or twice...other then that...i can't win with them.

Anyway, i'm still gonna be bitter about the 2 mill guarantee for a few hours, but whatever. My donkament days are over for the time being (thabnk God). Cash games are going sweet though. Took down possibly my biggest pot ever in a online cash game lastnight (about $540)...Ace high was good HAHA. I give myself credit for being able to 5 bet this guy on the button who had been stealing a ton. Playing some 1-2. He made it 8 from button, i'm in SB with AK, so i make it $29...he makes it $ i'm thinking geez, does he really have a hand this time, but i had the stones to go with my original read of him stealing, so i push all in for like $265 total...this guy goes in the tank, and fianlly calls ( at this point i'm thinking he must have at least 1010-AA or AK or AQ)...the flops comes something like 965...turn is a 6..river is a J..i'm like OMG i just lost this pot...WRONG....this donkey had KQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, that pot felt good, and i'm glad i was able to stick with my guns and make that 5 bet push pre flop becuz i knew he was stealing.

Ok, thats it for now...going to visit the g/f tomorrow and i come home thursday, so bascially no poker for the next few days...i'm actually looking forward to this!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Money money money

So, yesterday i won $100 6 tabling .25-.50 on full tilt and won about $190 4 tabling .50-1 on stars...its nice living a donkament free life right now!! Cash games truely are a grind, plain and simple. That was the reason i started playing tournaments in the 1st place, just to mix it up. But when it comes down to it, cash games are my forte..period! I'm sure in a few weeks i'll be sick of just grinding 4 and 6 cash games at a time, but for now, i need the bankroll boost...i'm down a few hundo this month, so maybe i can get something going ion cash games.

I just got done 6 tabling some full tilt cash and won another $80. This hand brought back good memories of donakaments though. This one donkey had been literally playing EVERY HAND!! So i was just waiting to catch him. I pick up KQs (not a powerhouse, but it was something) i limp...he mkaes it $ i call and so does the sb. Flop comes Q42 checks, i check (planning to check raise WHEN he bets) and of course, he overbets this point i'm putting him on like 77 or 88 or something like that...that being said, he would still call a huge overbet all i push $50 into the snap calls (for a second i'm like omg he can't have KK or AA here)...nope he flips over Q3 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA wait....wait....wait...3 on the turn ship the $100 to the donkey...who then fills up the chat box with "hahahahahahahaha". So yeah, its good to know 2 outers happen in cash games too....God poker can be enraging...should be up close to $200 today, but oh well. I did get him back though, when i rivered a straight flush, and made my patented overbet of $30 into a pot with $12 in it...i was praying to god he had the nut flush...but he called the 30 anyway...with one pair LOL he went in the tank though on the river...he kept asking me if i missed my draw, and i'm trying to buy the pot LOL...gotta love the fish


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Farewell Donkaments

The title says it more donkaments...WARNING WARNING WARNING...bad beat stories coming...abort blog without delay.

Ok, now that i've lost ALL my readers, i'm done with donkaments for a while. Today, i busted out of 4 of them all in pre flop with pair over pair (ex. my QQ vs 55..this one happened twice). 2 of them were while i was semi-deep into the cash. However, my personal favorite had to be when i had 7h8h and the flop came and the flop came i floppped an open ended straight flush draw...i'm in the sb, and i come out betting the pot...a guy in middle position pushes all in (he has like 10k, when the avg stack is like 3k), i call with 257 outs, thinking i'm gonna need to hit my flush or straight (usually a pretty safe assumption)...WRONG....WRONG...he turns over KJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWTTTTTTTFFFF!!!!! He had nothing!! of course, i miss all my 22 outs it even possible to have 22outs u ask??? indeed it is...9 flush, 9 straight and 2 non heart 7's and 2 non heart 8's...King high good sir...well played

So yeah, while i was in the middle of this shit happening, i told myself i was taking a week of donkaments, but since 2 more gross beats (i limp utg with KK)...folded to the blinds who both call (damn)...flop comes bets min, bb raises (i don't love my hand now, but i was somewhat short so i push) sb folds, bb insta calls with 76..(SWEET!!!!)....7 on the river gg murph lol...i mean it was almost comical at this point. Anyway, i'm taking the rest of the month of donkaments...i think u have to be a lucky person in general to do well in donkaments, and i'm not that...i can't run like God for 5 hours to EVER win one of may osunds like sour grapes, but believe me, it's been GROSS for the past few months.

So it's gonna be cash games, and cash games only for murph (except for thestars 2 million guarantee this sunday...maybe i've been saving up running like God for this). Been playing a bit on fulltilt too to capitalize on my rakeback...well, also the fact that pokerstars cruely still has my doomswitch on since my chat got banned...Yes, my chat got banned a few days ago...for what u ask??? For telling it like it is...period!! If it didn't get banned a few days ago, TRUST ME< after today, it would've gotten banned...

:get it in bad and pray"...the donkey's motto


ps a funny hand the other day, just to show i don't run like ass (24/7)...playing .25-.50 on full tilt...i had been raising this guys SB from the button A TON!!! He started to play back at me a few times, and i mucked each time...then i pick up A7 so i make it $2 on the button...of course, he re raises me to like i had mucked like the last 4 times he did i make it 29 (planning to show him when he folds)...except, he pushes all in for, its like 20 bucks more to me to win $ even though i was pretty sure...well, 110% sure i was beat...but i call...he turns over AQ...Q on the flop...7 on the turn....7 on the river HAHAHAHA this guy was ready to kill me...NOW DON"T WORRY READERS...clearly when something like this happens, they have to whore, about 4 hands later....i flop set under set, with the only other guy with a $100 stack and lose it all...come on, since when is middle set EVER set good sir...good ol fulltilt

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Murphy Mania

Check out the guy next to me...his name look familar??? lol thought it was kind of funny...
Anyway, made another final table tonight...this time it was in the tournament that hates me more then anything...the $20 180 man sng's...i think i was literally 1 for 23 in cashing in these, or somehting gross like that. Ended up coming in 5th for like $250....BLAH!!! I was the chip leader with 18 to go, but made a few spewy plays trying to accumulate chips after the bubble broke (however with about 20 left, i pwnd my table!!!! big re raises putting ppl to the test right on the bubble when u have rags is very +ev yet nerve racking at the same time...thankfully, nobody looked me up). Anyway, by the time the final table started, i was in 8th...YIKES!! 1st hand of the final table...i pick up JJ! I'm in middle position with about 12bb' i just push, not wanting to get fancy if overs come on a flop...button insta calls, and turns over AK...somehow i won this race, and was now in 3rd!!! That's it....literally never saw another hand the rest of the final was God awful!!! ( i tried to copy and paste the HH here, but it owuldn't looked something like 74, 65, J2, 105, Q6, 93, etc) What made it 10x worse was that to my immediate left were 2 guys each sitting on like 7 bb' i couldn't raise with a weak hand, becuz i'd be forced to call their shove no matter what i i don't even think i put in a raise the entire final was just torture. The worst part was, that these 2 just would not bust!!! I figured they're so short, once they bust, i can start opening some pots weak, and not worrying about a shorty coming over the top...but they just hung around FOREVER!!!! So, somehow i last until there are 5 of us guy with like 130k, and the rest of us between 25-40k...i had like 30k at this point. The big stack turns it on now, and is literally raising every pot...he wins about 6 hands in a row, then i pick up AQs...he raises utg to like 8000, i have like 26k, so i push (fully expecting to win this pot), the guy next to me also pushes....he wakes up with murph. So Fu#$*&%$ gay!!
Oh well, it feels good to make 2 final tables in the past 2 days, but i'm kind of disappointed with this one...i really wanted to take it down, but i guess it wasn't my day!
Qucikly, on another bitter note...satalited my way into the 55k guarantee at 930...and busted in a sweet way about 100 from the money...utg min raises, i have AQ next to him, so i push all in (about 17bb's)..the button goes into the tank....then he pushes his massive stack to isolate me (at this point i'm PRAYING for him to have JJ so at least we're racing)...utg mucks, and the button turns over KQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!! I'm gonna double up HUGE here...WRONG....WRONG...K on the F-ING RIVER!!!!
Ok, that's about it i guess...played some heads up cash today and won about 40 was fun seeing as i tilted this guy so bad he pushed 50 bucks pre flop with KJ...i had AK....J on the flop...A on the river baby!! ty donkey!!

Monday, February 4, 2008


Final tabled a fulltilt $10 tourny lastnight (got home from watching the superbowl at about 10:55, and just made it in to the 11pm buy in)...yada yada yada, i came in 6th...don't really ask how it went, becuz i have no clue. It was a very frusterating final table...EVERYONE was scared to bust (except me of course). I was raising about 3x per lap with bascially mediocore cards, but everytime someone played back at me, it had RAGS, so i would just have to muck. Right when i would start to build my stack, i'd get re raised and be back at square one. I finally decieded to call one of the guys coming over the top since i was getting about 2to1 on my call ( i had KQ suited), of course, he woke up with hindsight, i should've folded becuz i knew they weren't coming over the top of me light becuz they were all so scared to bust in 9th. Anyway, this bumped me into push fold mode...played a decent short stack and OF COURSE my A7 lost to 99 to bust f ing time can i suck out there...its not even a bad suck out...just SOMETHING!!!

Anyway, other then that, it's been a ROUGH start to Feb. I've decieded that if i win 1 $39 sat. this week, i'm gonna play in the sunday million this go murph!!


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bring back January

Lost about $275 is very fun!!!

About $140 of it was omaha8...if i held AA56 double suited...the flop would come 223...if i had A234, the flop would come KKQ...most anoying day of all time!!

That's it
