Monday, November 26, 2007

Poker has been berry berry good to me

So i played 3 sng's today..1st in a $30, 1st in a $20 and 7th in a $20 when my KK lost to 82 offsuit....yup, flop came 962 rainbow...he checked, i bet, he raised me, i made a huge push all in (this was at the 15-30 level) and he called this point i figured i was dead to a set...nope, he calmly flips over 82 offsuit (which by the way, he called a raise with) and proceeds to hit 107 for the murph!! I decieded to call it a day after that booking a nice $140 win only playing 3 sng's

Lastnight was a funny night. So i'm playing a sng and it gets to heads up...after about 5 minutes i can tell this guy is pretty good and he asks "hey, did you get divorced or break up with a g/f about 6 months ago" i'm like "what r u talking about"...he says "judging by your sharkscope, thats what it looks like" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA i just about died laughing!!!! I told him he was bascially dead on and my g/f moved away about 6 months ago (for those of you who don't know, about 6 months ago, my sharkscope had my sng winnings at about, they sit well over $1000) I couldn't believe how funny that was that this dude nailed it dead on! When my g/f moved away, it left a whole lot more time to concentrate on poker, and play a lot more...hence my sharkscope ROI being over 20%...anyway, thought that was rather funny...later in the heads up, he asks me if i've ever played i tell him yes, way back when....he says he feels like he's at the end of the game, where you have to fight yourself HAHAHAHAHAHAHA again, i dead laughing saying that was one ofthe best references i've ever heard (if you never played the game....just trust me, this is very funny) so i ended up finally beating him when my KJ outdueled his was a crazy heads up though becuz it literally took 20 minutes, and the blinds were up to 400-800 at that point!!!! I looked him up after, and he had over 10k in earnings on sharkscope, so i went to bed feeling good!!

Ok, thats it for now, gotta had to ork...i've got tomorrow off, so lets hoep for big things!


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