Saturday, November 17, 2007

The dreaded disconnection

The subject bascially says it all. Is there anything more horrific then getting disconnected when you are playing deep in a sng or mt??? I'm an idiot and very lazy, so eventhough i bought my new laptop about 2 months ago with a defect in it (the defect being it WILL freeze within the first couple hours of turning it on...this is a given), i still haven't brought it back yet. Anyway, i'm playing 3 sng' of them i'm in 3rd with the 3 left, one i'm 3rd with 4 left, and the other one i'm heads up with VERY big blinds at this point....FREEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice timing!! By the time i log back on, i've already busted in 3rd in the one, and i have 1 bb left in the heads up match lol...the sng with 4 left....i was now in 4th with 2 bb's...i was just sick!! I really need to take this back to the store and have them look at it!!

Anyway, don't really feel like blogging today, so this is gonna be it...ended up losing about 25 bucks today...whatever...playing some mt's tomorrow, so maybe i can make a final table or 2


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