Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's all in the pen

Gonna keep it quick, but i think i've figured out the sng slump...played in 4 today and had 2 3rds 1 2nd and 1 1st...the problem u ask??? I was always using the same red pen to write down my results....about a week and a half ago (right when the slump started) i lost the red pen and started to use a black pen...today...found the red pen and voila!!! I should write a book on this type of stuff!!

No big scores today...played an assload of MT's and cashed in a few, nothing big though...tomorrow will be more of the same....hopefully the results will change though.


ps yeah no more PCA for this guy...i just can't stand to play THAT nitty...blinds get to 50/100...everyone is still around, and now it turns into off to the races, its the gayest thing i've ever been involved in, and as u move up steps, it becomes nittier and nittier...so yeah, played my step 5 today, came in 8th when my AK lost to 66...pretty sweet

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