Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mr 2nd place

Got off the #$*& wagon today and came in 2nd in a big multi table for just under 900 bones!! It was the $16.50 buy in with 360 ppl. Played really solid the whole way from start to finish! Cruised into the final table 2nd in chips and pretty much just took my share of blinds until ppl started to drop. 3rd and 4th were busted in 3 hands, and next thing i know, we're heads up. $1300 for 1st! I've got about 120k in chips, he has like 450k...i seriously didn't see one face card the entire heads up!! The blinds were relatively low so i wasn't sweating it, eventhough i was almost 4to1 outchipped. Blah blah blah, i finally saw 77 which looked like AA at this point and pushed, he insta called with A5...the rest is history!

It was a strange tourny though. There really wasn't a single point in the entire tournament where i felt really nervous. Usually when i get close to the final table, and especially the final table, the nerves start going, but they really didn't today. In the long run, i think thats a good thing becuz i'm becoming more comfortable playing for thousands of dollars and i won't play scared next time i get back to a fianl table!

Ok, gonna play some cash games, then i have to goto bed early tonight, if anything significant happens, i'll post about it, but don't expect one.


ps the bankroll is at an all time high right now after leaking away a few hundo these past few weeks

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