Monday, November 5, 2007

AC baby!!

So, it looks like AC is a go this weekend!! Needless to say i'm loving life...lastime i went, i ended up stuck about 400, which i'm still very bitter about, but i figured i was due for a loss there, and hopefully i got it out of the way. I'm definately not playing at the Borgata either...i think i want to try the Trop again...i've played there twice, and liked it, but for some reason never went back after that 2nd time playing there.

Poker has been very up and down the past few days...bascially, my bankroll is the exact same as it was on friday, so i won't bore you with all the meaningless details. I did come in 21st in a omaha8 rebuy tourny though, it was a very strong finish seeing as there were about 400 ppl. and like 600 rebuys (i tripled up like the 4th hand, and never even had to re buy). I went all in on my lasthand with AQ24, and was called but some garbage like kq98 ( i was in a state of disbelief when he called and flipped that over), i missed the flop, and murph.

Played in the $20 1 rebuy 1 add on yesterday, and was just crusing along very nicely until they moved me to a table with shaundeeb, and a few other VERY successful online players (i looked them up) and for the first time bascially ever, i felt outclassed at this table!! When they moved me, i was like in 17th, with 180 left, and 68 got paid, so i was loving life, but this table was NUTS!!! I swear its like my cards were face up!! You couldn't get a raise in without being was just sick!! Then i picked up AQ, shaundeeb was to my right, of course, he riase like 2.8x bb, i re raised him a decent amount, and of course, he just instantly shoved on me...i was so pissed!! I knew he had like 7's or something shit like that, and to him, who was probably playing like 6 other big buy in tournies, this meant nothing...i decieded to muck, and live to fight another day...well that other day came when i was in the SB with QQ and about 9bb's, it got folded to me, so i push, and the bb slow rolls me with murph! man i was f -ing mad!! I guess i wouldn't be that mad if i would've got a hand, and busted shaundeeb, but guys like that don't care...there is no point in coming overthe top of them unless your ready to call his re re raise all was very frusterating because if they didn't move me to that table, i'm sure i would've cruised to the money...oh well

Ok, thats it for now...make sure you watch high stakes poker tonight...its the 500k buy in!


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