Monday, October 27, 2008

The Ultimate Bad Beat version 4.0

So i get a hot tip about the Mizzou/Colorado guy tells me to bet the over of 61, he says mizzou is going to get 61 on their own, so this is a lock. Well, he was ALMOST score??? Mizzou 58 Colorado O....ZOFG are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. This game sums up my month. Have a nice day.


Sunday, October 19, 2008


Didnt get any college picks in this week but the upset special today is the Lions....LOL...seriously...i bet the money line, and you should too!!! You'll thank me later!! Also Indy -2.5, Pitts -10 and Den +3...hurry up and call your bookies!!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Halloween is coming!!!!!

So i can't speak for everyone, but i know at least somebody who CAN'T wait for halloween to put on their costume again...

Look how excited he is!!!

Ok, well excited may not be the right word, but either way, he is going to be a rooster for halloween....if he doesn't run away before then.

Been awhile!

So it's been a little while since i updated here, so here ya go. For starters, hopefully nobody listened to my 2 "locks" of the week for college football, both lost...i should've posted my nfl picks too since 2 of the 3 won, but oh well...theres always next week!

I mentioned it last post, but i've switched to a "new" game they have at pokerstars. They are double or nothing sngs. These things seem like the easiest money EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Basically its a 10 man sng, and 5 ppl. win...if its a $20 sng, you get $40. In the past week, i've won a pretty decent amount just playing these alone. However, i'm writting this blog after the grossest session of all time. I literally lost about 4 or 5 70-30 all ins in a row, then lost a 80-20. What ive been doing is firing up 9 of these at a time, and going to town. Usually i've been going 6 for 9 or 5 for 9, and i've only had 3 losing "block of 9's" in well over 200 sngs (this last one i won 2 of 9....sick). Anyway, for the time being, these seem like easy money. The downfall is, the game is about as far from poker as i've ever seen...i can't believe how many times ive folded AA KK QQ pre flop...but, right now, i'll go where the money is, and worry about improving my game a little later.

For those of you who are new readers, i use to play sngs as my main form of poker, so i have a decent background playing them. I started out playing the $20...and quickly moved to the $30 sngs and would usually play 4 at a time...3 $30's and 1 $50...this was a nice little routine i had, but i just got sick of tournament play. You can literally play perfect poker thw whole time, but your life comes down to a flip a lot of the time. There is never any room to make a play without pot committing yourself, so its bascially shove or fold poker...i feel comfortable doing this, but it gets old pretty fast, hence the reason i switched over to cash games. So i imagine i'll continue playing these until the games dry up, or i just get sick of losing 60-40's or coin flips, or even worse 80-20's.

On the cash game front, i actually played A TON of hands for me in the first week of october, so my hand total is still pretty high for only being halfway through the month, but i really haven't played much this past week. So far, i'm in the positives, which is all i really care about at this point, factor in the rakeback, and i;m having a pretty good month so far. If i can have the same last 2 weeks, as these first 2 weeks, i will be a happy man!!

Ok, thats it for now...btw, work is going ok, and really hasnt cut into my poker playing too much which is nice!!!


ps Have i mentioned i'm going to Vegas next month!!!! woooo hoooo!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pick of the day

In for a quickie here just to give you all free money. Bet on Vandy -3 and Cincy -7 tomorrow...both LOCKS!!!!

In poker news, i have discovered a GOLDMINE that i've been crushing for the past few days. I'll fill you all in hopefully this weekend when i have some time.



Monday, October 6, 2008

ZOMG i sucked out!!

So, for the 1st time i can remember in a LONG time, i grossly sucked out on some donkey with a 2 outer. I have KK and raise, get 1 caller...flop comes 972... he checks, i bet, he calls...turn is a 2...he INSTA shoves his stack, like $75 into a $25 like wtf!!! His stats seemed normal, but i just couldn't put him on a hand that beat me...i was thinking he has 9-7 and just got whored by the 2 on the turn, but i wasn't i make the call...he turns over 99...LOL...seriously wtf!! plays like this should never get rewarded...and this one didnt....K on the sir. It felt so good to hit that 2 outer...i can't even count how many times it's happened to me lately, so i'll take min and revel in it!!

Played in another stars donkament yesterday and final tabled it. It was my 1st time playing those 8 game tournies (which is basically HORSE with PLO, nl holdem, and 2-7 triple draw). I have played some cash in all of them, so i am very familar with the games, but never in a tournament. Ended up coming in 5th. Once again, it was GAY limit hold em that i busted on. Once again, just like Saturday, i had the best hand when the money went in and ended up on the rail. I was kind of enraged at how this one went down too. I had like 4bb (was the short stack) and pick up A9 on the gets folded to me, so i raise...the BB 3 bets me (so i feel like i'm in trouble now), i raise it back putting me all in...he calls...and turns over Q6 offsuit...WTF!!!! Q on the me. I mean seriously, he 3 bets Q6 into a guy who has 2 big bliunds not folding, and you aren't beating ANYTHING!!!! It sucks becuz that would've put me 3rd in chips...oh goes the life of donkaments.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blog Mania

So this is like the 400th blog of the month so far, but hey, a lot is going on. Decieded to play a few donkaments today seeing as this is the 1st weekend i've had NOTHING planned and took 3rd in a Horse donkament for $150. I came into the final table 6th, but was just card dead...factor in the 6 out of 7 hands in a row i was the bring in, and all 6 of those pots were raised, i pretty much lost half my stack and was just trying to hang on to place a few spots higher since 1st and 2nd had like 60k chips, and 3rd had like 14k ( i was around 10k). Anyway a few donks busted, and next thing i know, we are 3 handed. So there very 1st hand, i pick up 77 in the bb (planning to go broke here) button raises...i 3 bet him, he calls, flop comes KKQ (not the worst ever)...he checks, i bet, he calls...turn 8..he checks, i bet (putting me all in) he calls and turns over J9...WTF!!!!!!!! guess what comes on the river....a 10...striaghts good !st was $390, so that would've been sweet, and if i win that last pot, i'm right back in it, but it wasn't meant to be...still, i'm happy with the result!! Also won $80 in a stars freeroll it was a good day.

So this kid comes to the door selling chocolate, and i listen to his speel having ZIPPY intention of buying i wait for him to be done, and i say "sorry, i'd help you out, but i have no cash on me"...perfect right????? WRONG...the kid says "we take checks" LOL ooooops!!!!!! Chcks you say?? Ok, here you go...6 bucks down the drain...i guess i'm gonna need a better excuse next time then i dont have cash.


Locks of the day

2 gambling locks of the day...Florida state +2 and ken shamrock to win tonight at +275...both of these bets are mortal can thank me later.


Friday, October 3, 2008

3 Things

1) i shot a 75 today...i doulbe bogeyed the 2nd hole...played even par the rest of the front for a 38...and went bogey bogey on 10 and 11 and played 1 under on 12-18 for a 37 on the game right now feels so good its sick!! The worst part is that the double bogey was a joke, i literally topped my tee ball into the drink with my 2 iron on a 340 yard hole...oh well, it was still a GREAT round!!

2)I won my biggest pot ever least i think it is...$511 bones!! It was just your classic set up hand AA vs KK vs QQ....i held QQ though baby!!! MUHAHAHAHA i raised repopped...button cold called (if he 4 bets, i fold and he wins the, slow playing AA isn't always a good thing buddy!!) so i called, and the guy who 3 bet me called...flop comes Q84...i played it to PERFECTION and got both donkeys to put their entire stack in...and it was at a deep stack table, so me and the other dude were sitting there with $200 each...ty for your monies guys!!

3) i really want to goto AC...i miss being a 3 hour drive from the Taj...sigh...


Thursday, October 2, 2008

SICK day of poker

So i decieded to put in a MONSTER session today...i played 3900 hands!! I'm not sure what the most i've played in one day is...i think closer to 5000, but that was 2 seperate sessions...this was one giant session. I actually played most of it w/o pt2 running since i wanted to 12 table and it just lags to much. The grand total for the day you ask???? $3.80 LOL...thats right, a whole 3 bucks (plus another $60 in rake). Which one of these would you rather have happen to you. Getting AA vs KK all in pre flop and a King comes and lose $200...or you raise with AA, get a few callers...flop comes 884...and some moron held 8-4 offsuit and lose $200???? Can't quite decide??? Well they both happened within 10 minutes to me today...pretty fun!! I was also 2 outed twice for like $80 pots each, AND lost AK to KJ all in pre flop for $40, AK vs A9 all in pre for $40. I've literally never seen anything like it. Easily could've been like a $400 or $500 day if the best hand just held up on most of those pots. I understand that AK is only gonna beat KJ 70% of the time, but why am i NEVER on the 30% side????? I literally don't think i put my money in bad a single time today and won the pot...not once. Not only do i get sucked on constantly, but it seems i NEVER suck out...NEVER!!! The closest i ever come in winning coin flips vs short stacks.

Whatever. All this shit, and i still profitited for the day, so i guess i shouldn't complain. I really feel like my game is razor sharp right now...i'm making so many sick call downs these days that the profits have to come sooner or later. There is nothing i love more then checking my hand on the river KNOWING that the donkey will bet his missed draw, and you snap him off!!

Ok, g/f is going away for the weekend, so expect a whole lot of grinding!!


Sept Results

So, all in all it was a pretty gross month as you can see. I had a nice 5 buy in upswing to end the month, so its actually not near as bad as it was a few days b4that, but still, a disgusting, unacceptable month of poker!! I ran about $4000 below expectation this month, so weeeeeee on that (yes, for the few nerds like me who actually understand this graph, i know this isn't EXACTLY true, but it does give you a basic idea of how shitty i lol all you want at my explanation of how to interpret these graphs). Factor in the $520 in rakeback this month, and the grand total is approx -$192 PUUUUUKKKKKEEEE. Actually, mid month it was looking like i would end up down a significant amount more, so all in all, i guess its not too bad. I can't remember actually having a losing month (including rakeback) since i began blogging, so lets hope i put this month behind me and continue progressing.
Not much else to say, so i'll end it here...lets go on a month long heater baby!!! Oh yeah, i'm staying at 100nl....F 50nl!!!