Wednesday, July 30, 2008

SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ship my new SICK 50 inch plasma tv courtesy of pokerstars. It looks like it finally has payed off grinding all those hours on stars. I spent ALL my frequent player points (fpp's) after initially saving for the $1000 vacation voucher, a last minute discussion with the g/f changed my mind, and i opted for the tv instead. An FYI to anyone using their fpp's...don't buy the tv's straight from the pokerstars store. Buy the $1000 giftcard and you can get like 3x the tv you could from the stars store. Just my oopinion. So yeah, i'm pretty jacked about's suppose to get here tuesday or wednesday, so i'll let you know how it looks.
I'll do my month review either tomorrow or friday, but my God has this ever been a frusterating month. I've put in the most hands BAR NONE ever for a month, and i had one of my worst months in a long time. Today alone i lost AK vs AQ all in pre flop 3 times...AK vs A9 all in pre flop...AK vs 22 all in pre flop for a huge pot (donkey pumps like 80bb pre flop with 22), lost AQ vs 78 all in pre flop...this was a fun one too, and lost KK vs JJ all in pre flop 2 fucking times!!!! And lastly, i was set over setted for a $200 pot AND lost the nut fullhouse to quads. I can't wait to get a real job and go back to playing poker in my spare time.

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