Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So i welcomed July with my worst day ever. Fun stuff!!!!!!!!!!! I literally couldn't hit anything. I must've had about 75 nut flush draws on the flop, and miss every single one of them!!! I took a few gross beats and set up hands along the way, but for the most part it was just a slow and steady losing session. I ran KK into AA for a stack...got set under set for another stack ran my AK into a nutcase donkeys AA all in pre flop for another stack...flopped a boat holding 77 on a 744 board...only for the donkey with JJ to river a jack and take another stack from me, and numerous other failures like me NEVER getting paid on a single set i hit all day. Oh well, it was a pretty disappointing day, and i'm kind of down in the dumps, but i'm not sweating it....tomorrow is a new day.

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