Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I run goooooooooooood LOL

A quick update as a spew more of my bankroll this wonderful july. For those of you who arent familar with the program "pokerev" it basically calculates what you've actually won (green line) compared to what you should have won if suckouts/luck weren't involved (red line). It doesnt take a genius to see that there is over a $1000 difference between my 2 lines...what it means is that i should be up about $500 this month instead of down $500 LOL. Variance is a bitch i guess. Oh well..i downloaded the program today just to confirm the fact that i am running like SHIT, and its not my play. I feel better seeing this disgusting graph, but, the bottom line is that i'm still stuck $500 so far in july. I'm not even asking to run "fair" i know that'll never happen...but how about just half as bad as i have been...i mean hell, at least id be even for the month not including rakeback.
2 saving graces in july. I just finished cashing my $300 mid year bonus from fulltilt (looks like thats gonna come in handy) and tomorrow i'm buying the garmin c550 gps system from the fulltilt store...i looked this bad boy up, and its pretty sick...they're seelling them for $350-$400, so even as i spew money, at least i'll get the gps system out of this month.

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