Monday, July 14, 2008

Hand of the day

2 of my favs from today...the 2nd one is an all timer..

i raise to 1.75 with QQ...this MONSTER donkey just shoves like $10 from the bb...i call, he turns over 9-3 offsuit...two pair isa winner, nh sir...this next hand is a i'm in the BB with AK...guy on button makes it $2 after 1 guy limps...i re raise to $8...he calls...flop comes let me check it to this nutcase who i KNOW is going to bet...sure enough, he bets the pot, which is like $18...he only has like $24 i clearly check raise him all in...its like $5 to call, and this guy i think im being slow rolled by a set becuz wtf are u doing tanking when there is over $50 in the pot, and u have $5 to call...and YOU PUT half of that money he calls...and flips over 87offsuit....sweet...hes pretty much drawing dead...9 on the turn, Jack on the riv...straights good, scoop the pot sir...well played...then he INSTANTLY leaves the table...just another day...


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