Tuesday, July 1, 2008

June Review

Yes i know i dont update this thing anymore, and ive come to a crossroads whether i will continue to update it or not. I really do not want to just post my monthly success/failure, but that appears all the blog is now. Anyway, ill discuss this at a later date. This was the month of June...my 1st as a "pro" poker player. (pro is used very loosely...i'm currently unemployed, so, this is my only means of income). It was a good month, especially considering i didnt even play poker for the 1st 8 days of the month. Im too lazy to get exact to the dollar, but according to pokertracker, i made approx $2000 this month, plus another $310 in rakeback for a grand total of $2310 this month. I was very lazy only knocking out 30k hands seeing as i couldve played a whole lot more during the day, but spent a lot of time on the golf course. Regardless, june was a solid month, and as you can tell by the graph, never really had a losing stretch of more then a day or 2, and they were small at that.

Looking into July, i'm probably going to up the number of 100nl tables i'm playing so instead of 6 50nl and 3 100nl, i'll probably goto something like 5 50nl and 4 100nl or 4 50nl and 5 100nl. i'm hoping to play at least 50k this month (which would be my most ever). I'll try to post at least once in the next week to update the situation of the blog, and whether or not im gonna keep it going, until then...


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