Thursday, July 31, 2008

July Review: One gigantic waste of time

Well the title about sums it up. Just under 50,000 hands on fulltilt this month, and a whopping $47 to show for it. I guess it could've been worse, i could've quit for the month around hand 30k and been stuck amost a G. Grind doesn't even begin to describe this month. As you can see from the graph, July 1st started out shitty, and it really never got any better. I ran like complete dogshit the ENTIRE month. Bad beats aside, i probably got set over setted like 10 times at least, lost nearly a 300bb pot AA vs AA and numerous other 2, 3 and 4 outers hitting on me with all the money in. I'm really hoping to just put this disgusting month behind me and start fresh in August. Like i said last post, if things don't turn around ( how aboout i just run average for a little while, i'm not even asking to run gooooooot) i'm seriously gonna have to score a real job sooner then i planned on.
Ok, enough bitching...the good news...i TECHNICALLY made $740 this month. Factor in the $400 i got in rakeback this month, and the $300 mid year bonus from fulltilt, i ended up turning a profit, in what i hope is the worst month i have playing poker (knock on wood).
I think i'm gonna start playing 6 100nl and 3 50nl tables for my standard grinding session, and when i hook up my mouse and play 12 tables, i'll probably play 9 100nl and 3 50nl tables. This month i bascially lost $500 playing 50 nl and won $500 playing 100nl which is pretty crazy. I'm bascially on a 10 buy in downswing from 50nl which is really sickening, and i think i'm ready to move strictly to 100nl. Maybe come Sept. i can put the 50nl days behind me. I feel very confident playng 50nl but just ran like ass all month. Plus i think its a sign to move up when i'm getting pissed when i hit sets on one of my 50nl tables instead of the 100nl tables...we'll see...
I actually started playing a bit on stars again this month too. I basically played to get the few thousand pts i need for the tv. I ended up winning about $120 playing some omaha8 (which i think i'm gonna have to start dabbling in again) and cashing for $90 in that end of the month tournament, but in my grinding, lost about $200 playing hold em to pretty much breakeven for the month. I do like the stars interface better, but i really feel like the fulltilt games are softer...maybe its just me. Well, that, and i have WAY more people in my database with stas on fulltilt then stars, so my hud isnt very useful on stars.
Ok, enough babbling, maybe i'll post some goals for August tomorrow, and actually go over my july goals to see if i hit any of them...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ship my new SICK 50 inch plasma tv courtesy of pokerstars. It looks like it finally has payed off grinding all those hours on stars. I spent ALL my frequent player points (fpp's) after initially saving for the $1000 vacation voucher, a last minute discussion with the g/f changed my mind, and i opted for the tv instead. An FYI to anyone using their fpp's...don't buy the tv's straight from the pokerstars store. Buy the $1000 giftcard and you can get like 3x the tv you could from the stars store. Just my oopinion. So yeah, i'm pretty jacked about's suppose to get here tuesday or wednesday, so i'll let you know how it looks.
I'll do my month review either tomorrow or friday, but my God has this ever been a frusterating month. I've put in the most hands BAR NONE ever for a month, and i had one of my worst months in a long time. Today alone i lost AK vs AQ all in pre flop 3 times...AK vs A9 all in pre flop...AK vs 22 all in pre flop for a huge pot (donkey pumps like 80bb pre flop with 22), lost AQ vs 78 all in pre flop...this was a fun one too, and lost KK vs JJ all in pre flop 2 fucking times!!!! And lastly, i was set over setted for a $200 pot AND lost the nut fullhouse to quads. I can't wait to get a real job and go back to playing poker in my spare time.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2 things...

1) Goldseraph is a bitch

2) i lost AA vs AA all in pre flop for $250 those 4 card flushes

that is all


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just another day at the office

good times good times...

Ship it!;_ylt=Aj7jRHS8jxio7dvuzO4rPeLUoLoF;_ylu=X3oDMTBkZmZ1NDR2BHNlYwNwcm9kc3BlY3M-

Ship the Garmin GPS unit from the fulltilt store. I ordered it on said 6-8 weeks for delivery which SUCKS, but i'm hoping to get it within the month. I really wanted to save my points for the sick plasma tv, but i figured January would be the EARLIEST i could've gotten enough points for it, plus once i actually deciede to get a job, the days of playing 3k hands are over. Living in a new city, the GPS is probably a good idea anyway.

So yeah, even if i post a break even month (which i don't think i will, i figure i've got 2 weeks left to turn it on) at least i got something out of fulltilt for July.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Hand of the day

2 of my favs from today...the 2nd one is an all timer..

i raise to 1.75 with QQ...this MONSTER donkey just shoves like $10 from the bb...i call, he turns over 9-3 offsuit...two pair isa winner, nh sir...this next hand is a i'm in the BB with AK...guy on button makes it $2 after 1 guy limps...i re raise to $8...he calls...flop comes let me check it to this nutcase who i KNOW is going to bet...sure enough, he bets the pot, which is like $18...he only has like $24 i clearly check raise him all in...its like $5 to call, and this guy i think im being slow rolled by a set becuz wtf are u doing tanking when there is over $50 in the pot, and u have $5 to call...and YOU PUT half of that money he calls...and flips over 87offsuit....sweet...hes pretty much drawing dead...9 on the turn, Jack on the riv...straights good, scoop the pot sir...well played...then he INSTANTLY leaves the table...just another day...



Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So this was my morning session...i didn't think it could get much worse this month, but i guess fulltilt still isn't done sticking it to me. This doesnt even show TWICE me flopping top 2 with AK on a AK7 and AK5 board, and TWICE the other dude having 77 and 55...bye bye $200 there. I'm taking a few days off of fulltilt nl hold em and switching to some onaha8 or back to jokerstars for a bit...until nex time

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I run goooooooooooood LOL

A quick update as a spew more of my bankroll this wonderful july. For those of you who arent familar with the program "pokerev" it basically calculates what you've actually won (green line) compared to what you should have won if suckouts/luck weren't involved (red line). It doesnt take a genius to see that there is over a $1000 difference between my 2 lines...what it means is that i should be up about $500 this month instead of down $500 LOL. Variance is a bitch i guess. Oh well..i downloaded the program today just to confirm the fact that i am running like SHIT, and its not my play. I feel better seeing this disgusting graph, but, the bottom line is that i'm still stuck $500 so far in july. I'm not even asking to run "fair" i know that'll never happen...but how about just half as bad as i have been...i mean hell, at least id be even for the month not including rakeback.
2 saving graces in july. I just finished cashing my $300 mid year bonus from fulltilt (looks like thats gonna come in handy) and tomorrow i'm buying the garmin c550 gps system from the fulltilt store...i looked this bad boy up, and its pretty sick...they're seelling them for $350-$400, so even as i spew money, at least i'll get the gps system out of this month.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Worst beat off all time...literally

So i think i took literally the worst beat in the history of poker today playing 100nl. Folded to the button who makes it in BB with QQ so i mkae it 14...he calls...flop comes Q44 (decent) i check..he overbets like 50 of his last i just put him all in...he flips over AK...drawing dead right???? WRONG...turn is a us both quad 4's...and he has an ACE kicker...nh sir...enjoy my money. This hand sums up my morning as i lost another 2 bills...good times.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So i welcomed July with my worst day ever. Fun stuff!!!!!!!!!!! I literally couldn't hit anything. I must've had about 75 nut flush draws on the flop, and miss every single one of them!!! I took a few gross beats and set up hands along the way, but for the most part it was just a slow and steady losing session. I ran KK into AA for a set under set for another stack ran my AK into a nutcase donkeys AA all in pre flop for another stack...flopped a boat holding 77 on a 744 board...only for the donkey with JJ to river a jack and take another stack from me, and numerous other failures like me NEVER getting paid on a single set i hit all day. Oh well, it was a pretty disappointing day, and i'm kind of down in the dumps, but i'm not sweating it....tomorrow is a new day.

June Review

Yes i know i dont update this thing anymore, and ive come to a crossroads whether i will continue to update it or not. I really do not want to just post my monthly success/failure, but that appears all the blog is now. Anyway, ill discuss this at a later date. This was the month of 1st as a "pro" poker player. (pro is used very loosely...i'm currently unemployed, so, this is my only means of income). It was a good month, especially considering i didnt even play poker for the 1st 8 days of the month. Im too lazy to get exact to the dollar, but according to pokertracker, i made approx $2000 this month, plus another $310 in rakeback for a grand total of $2310 this month. I was very lazy only knocking out 30k hands seeing as i couldve played a whole lot more during the day, but spent a lot of time on the golf course. Regardless, june was a solid month, and as you can tell by the graph, never really had a losing stretch of more then a day or 2, and they were small at that.

Looking into July, i'm probably going to up the number of 100nl tables i'm playing so instead of 6 50nl and 3 100nl, i'll probably goto something like 5 50nl and 4 100nl or 4 50nl and 5 100nl. i'm hoping to play at least 50k this month (which would be my most ever). I'll try to post at least once in the next week to update the situation of the blog, and whether or not im gonna keep it going, until then...
