Friday, August 1, 2008

Worst fold of all time????

Don't have too much time, so the goals post will have to wait, but i may have made the worst fold of all time. Playing .50-1nl...guy in middle position whose stats are kinda tight makes it 3.5...i have 77 so i make the call...guy in BB re pops it to 13...original guy calls, and so do i...flop comes J 7 2 rainbow...Guy in the BB bets 35...and immediately the original raiser pushes all in for like 100 its on me...i should've just snap called, but i started thinking...the guy in the BB clearly has AA or KK...but the other could he have to hand comes to mind...JJ...i went into the tank...there is now way he would do this with anything but JJ since he was a tight player...If he had AA or KK he would not have smooth called that 3 bet from the bb, he would've raised to get me out of the timing down to 1 second...i muck...BB calls the shove with AA..guy in the middle had his set all right...of FUCKING 2"S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would've been over a $300 pot, and i fucking mucked the winner...there was only 1 hand that beat hand...and i deciede he has to have that.

Any thoughts on this hand would be much appreciated. I mean, my read was right, he has to have a set in that spot, but i just didnt think he'd have 22...his stats were so tight, im actually shocked he called the 11 re raise pre flop with 22...oh well, ended up having over a $200 day anyway, so it doesn't sting as much...but it still stings.


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