Monday, August 25, 2008

Maybe i should try rockclimbing...

Went away for the weekend and found out i was a sick rockclimber lol. Actually, i had never done it b4 in my life, and they had this rock climbing wall maybe like 40 feet high and for $5 they gave you 2 climbs...i made it to the top both times. I must say, it was WAY harder then i thought it would be, and the wall tried to put a bad beat on me by having the last "stud thingy for your hands and feet" too small for my foot to stand on, but i pulled it off g/f...not so fortunate...good try though (again thankfully she won't be reading this)...

Anyway, month is coming to a close, and i have played an embarassing # of hands...only 19,000!!! This is gross!!! I've had a very busy month, and my g/f had a lot of it off too, but there is no excuse for only putting in 19k hands when i don't even work!!!! Oh well, maybe i can get that to 25k by the end of the month, but i doubt it, becuz once again, i'm going away this weekend (3 out of 4 weekends going away kills my poker playing!!). It's been a pretty blah month too...but, considering i haven't played too much, i can't be too upset. I'm looking for a nice surge to end the's to hoping...


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