Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Golf blog????

So i went golfing today and slapped about the strangest 79 on the U of I blue course i've ever seen. Zero birdies, 2 double bogeys, 2 fairways and only 5 greens in regulation. I hadn't been golfing in almost 2 weeks, which is easily the longest stretch ive gone this summer. My ball striking could not have been worse. Literally 90% of the shots i hit today started like 30 degrees to the right, and just stayed right there, it was the most frusterating thing of all time. Pretty much from the first ball i hit on the range today, to my last shot on 18, 90% of the shots went right, and i couldn't fix it. I usually pride myself on being able to adapt to a problem mid round, and fix it later, but today i couldn't figure it annoying. My short game was SOLID today, hence the 79 instead if 85 or so....i must've had about 5 or 6 putts inside of 3 feet due to some very nice work around the greens. Anyway, i hadn't broken 80 in a few weeks, so it feels good to shot a 79, especially seeing as i hit 2 fairways and 5 greens. The most annoying part...on 3 ofthe par 5's i had irons in...and never made a F ing birdie...oh well

This hand pretty much sums up how i run in poker. .50-1.00 guy in middle postion makes in $ in BB with QQ, so i make it $13.50....he calls..flop comes Q66 (GIN BABY!!!)..i check it...he checks back...turn is a 7..i bet $20...he min riases to $40 (LOL ty sir), i just smooth call...river is a 4...i bet out like $35 of my last $50 (starnge way to play the hand i know, but i felt like pushing wasn't gonna get a call, so i bet almost all of it)..he pushes..i call with the nuts....WAIT....never mind Murph...he turns over 66 for the TRUE nuts and takes my $120 bucks with quads...very nice hand you work for fulltilt????? What is it like for someone to flop the stone cold nut fullhouse when your holding quads????? Good times good times...

Oh well...August is going decent i guess poker wise...FYI my SICK tv came and we set it up in tuesday, so maybe i'll take a picture and post don't know how good it is to go from a 24 inch box old school tv, to a 50 inch SILLY has been berry berry good to me


ps welcome back to the squad kyle farsworth...looks like you're fitting in perfectly already

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